Postcards from Readers: Iguazu Falls, Argentina-Brazil border

The photographer: Pam Giarrizzo, Sacramento

Behind the lens: The stunning Iguazu Falls flow from the Iguazu River on the border of Argentina and Brazil. It has been said that when Eleanor Roosevelt first saw Iguazu Falls, her response was, “Poor Niagara!” This picture was taken on the Argentina side of the falls on Christmas Eve 2013.


Each week we pick a favorite reader photo and story. Are you a traveler who never leaves home without a camera? The Bee wants you to share your best travel photographs with other readers. "Postcards From Readers" is a weekly feature that spotlights your shots from around the nation and world. Please submit your photograph, with a brief description of what is taking place and the photographer's name and hometown, to All submissions become property of The Bee.

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