Gay couple from Sochi marries in Argentina, seeking asylum

A gay couple from Russia's Olympic city of Sochi has gotten married in Buenos Aires and plans to seek asylum in Argentina.

Alexander Eremeev and Dmitry Zaytsev married at the civil registry in Argentina's capital, accompanied by gay rights activists who say Argentina should provide refuge to people who are being persecuted for their sexual orientation in other countries.

The two men are preparing their case before Argentina's National Commission for Refugees, saying that now that they are married, they would face attacks and police persecution back home in Sochi.

Political asylum cases involving Russian gays and lesbians have increased sharply since Russian President Vladimir Putin approved a law banning so-called gay "propaganda" from reaching minors.

The law created penalties for Russian citizens and visitors that could result in fines and imprisonment. The law also provided cover for right-wing extremists who have waged a series of assaults against gay people in Russia.

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