Argentina debt crisis

NEW YORK: Argentina cannot pay some bondholders while refusing to pay $6.1 billion in claims by creditors who refused to swap their bonds for steeply discounted replacements in South American nation after it defaulted in 2001 on $100 billion in bonds, a judge said on Friday. US District Judge Thomas Griesa’s ruling means Argentina would owe $8 billion to creditors who refused swaps that were accepted by about 93 per cent of Argentina’s bondholders in 2005 and 2010.A version of this article appears Read more [...]

Dossier Argentine, élections 2015: surprise dans les urnes

Issu du mouvement péroniste, le député de 43 ans, Sergio Massa, pourrait pencher du côté de Daniel Scioli. "Aucun crime contre l'État commis par des agents publics en connivence ou non avec le secteur privé ne doit rester impuni ". A l'heure des résultats, le grand favori des sondages Daniel Scioli recueillait 36,2% de voix contre 34,9% pour le candidat conservateur Mauricio Macri. En effet depuis des mois les sondages estiment le candidat du pouvoir en place à plus de dix au dessus de son Read more [...]

Rich and delicious: The 7 best wines from Argentina

Malbec used to be one of the most famous grape varieties of Bordeaux. But much of the vines were destroyed by a devastating grapevine pest called phylloxera. In the meantime, the grape variety was introduced to Argentina where it found its true home. It has become the star grape of Argentina, producing spectacular bottles. It’s a food-friendly wine that goes particularly well with meat.Here are seven rich reds to seriously tempt your taste buds. From left: The Society’s Exhibition Malbec 2013, Read more [...]