Second British firm is sitting on a potential oil and gas bonanza in the tinderbox …

 MARKET REPORT THE FTSE 100 rose above 6300 for the first time since May 2008 before falling back. Banks led the charge with HSBC up 6.80p to 717.10 as GOLDMAN SACHS brokers urged snapping up the stock. BARCLAYS rose two per cent to 305.85 with Goldman giving it a target of 350. ITV fell 1.70p to 114.10 as it splashed out £56million on London Television Centre. Argos-owner HOME RETAIL dived seven per cent to 124 as MORGAN STANLEY downgraded the stock, while DEBENHAMS, also downgraded, Read more [...]

Tragédia de Santa Maria: a lição de Buenos Aires

Pirotecnia exibicionista causou quase 200 mortes, em 2004. Mobilização social garantiu fechamento de boates inseguras e impediu culpar… os seguranças! Por Kiko Nogueira, no Diário do Centro do Mundo A tragédia na boate Kiss, em Santa Maria, que deixou 231 mortos e pelo menos 106 feridos, tem um antecedente tristemente similar na Argentina. Em 30 de dezembro de 2004, a República Cromañón, em Buenos Aires, pegou fogo durante um show da banda Callejeros. Como no caso da Kiss, a causa foi Read more [...]

Cure confirma shows no Brasil – DropMusic

Cure confirma shows no Brasil Monday, 28 January 2013 20:56 O Cure confirmou nesta segunda-feira as datas de uma nova turnê pela América do Sul. No site da banda, os shows rolam no Brasil, Paraguai, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Colômbia e México. No Brasil as apresentações são na HSBC Arena, no Rio de Janeiro, dia 4 de abril, e em São Paulo, no Morumbi, dia 6. Os ingressos começam a ser vendidos nos dia 19 e 18 de fevereiro, respectivamente, pelo site A Read more [...]

Powering Up: Blue Sky Uranium Capitalizing on Global Nuclear Revival

<!-- end javascript to email the article -->PR Web(PRWEB) January 28, 2013After the 2010 fallout from the Fukushima disaster, the lingering effects on the uranium market remain. However, with several factors in line to reboot the demand for nuclear power in 2013, a transformation from bear to bull for uranium juniors could very well be on the horizon once more. Now a year since announcing their partnership, it appears Blue Sky Uranium Corp. and French giant AREVA Read more [...]

After 18 Years, Argentina And Iran Agree To Investigate Jewish Center Bombings

The agreement creates an independent commission of seven judges -- none of whom will be from Argentina or Iran, though both governments will appoint one member each -- who, along with Argentine investigators, will eventually travel to Iran to question suspects about the car bombing that leveled the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association, or Amia, building. “Nearly 19 years after the Amia bombing, for the first time, a legal instrument to advance the knowledge and truth about the terrorist attack Read more [...]

Imponen aranceles a leche de Argentina

El Gobierno suspendió las preferencias arancelarias de leche en polvo originarias de Argentina, como mecanismo para proteger el empleo y el ingreso de 400.000 pequeños productores dedicados a la actividad láctea en todo el país.El ministerio de Agricultura explicó que la medida, es de carácter especial y temporal y tendrá una vigencia inicial de 90 días, prorrogables hasta por dos años.Con la decisión, se fija un contingente de importación de 993 toneladas con un arancel del 6,6 por ciento Read more [...]

שגריר ארגנטינה יזומן לשיחת נזיפה עקב ההסכם עם איראן – גלי צה"ל און

בעקבות החלטת ממשלות ארגנטינה ואיראן להקים ועדת חקירה משותפת לנסיבות הפיגוע במרכז הקהילה היהודית בבואנוס איירס בשנת 1994, יזומן שגריר ארגנטינה לשיחה במשרד החוץ. במשרד החוץ אומרים שההסכם הפתיע לרעה את ישראל


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Confirmado: The Cure en Argentina

Se confirmaron los rumores, The Cure vuelve a la Argentina. Con 37 años de trayectoria, la banda liderada por Robert Smith vuelve al país por segunda vez para tocar en el estadio River Plate.  Como adelantó La Viola Web meses atrás, la banda confirmó la gira "Latam 2013 Tour" que empieza en Brasil el 4 de abril en Río de Janeiro, dos días después San Pablo, el 9 en Asunción, Paraguay. El 12 de abril llegan a Buenos Aires y las entradas salen a la venta el 4 de febrero.  Según Read more [...]