Note: During the new winter term (January 2-24), RedHawk sophomore golfers Bailey Truesdell, Daniel Schwarz and Jack Sparling are taking advantage of Miami’s extensive study-abroad program by taking three weeks of class in Argentina. During their time there, Truesdell has agreed to provide a blog of their experiences, with potential guest appearances from Schwarz and Sparling. Here is his second entry. His previous entry (Jan. 6) can be read here.
Greetings from the Southern Hemisphere!
It has been a fast paced week for everyone down here. Classes are now in full swing and we are having cultural experiences every day. The classes pertain to Human Resource Management and Cultural Differences. One of the academic highlights so far has been listening to representatives from Arcor speak. They are the largest company in Argentina, producing mainly candy that is distributed worldwide. The presentation was very well done and we all learned a lot about the Argentinian way of doing business.
This weekend we took a trip across the Rio de la Plata, which is the river that separates Argentina and Uruguay. We spent two days in the historic town of Colonia del Sacramento in Uruguay. This trip included tours of the age old city and many of its historic structures. It is a very small town and was a nice change of pace from bustling Buenos Aires, especially since we got to go to the beach.
Also, on Monday we went to one of the most famous cemeteries in the world, Recoleta Cemetery. I was a bit apprehensive when I first heard we were going to a cemetery, but it turned out to be one of the most interesting trips we have had. Recoleta is different in so many ways. It is situated right downtown, taking up valuable real estate, and for that reason it is home to the rich and famous of Argentina. The most interesting part is the way each place is marked, with elaborate shrines made of marble, stone, and other lavish materials.
Next week we are spending a few more days in Buenos Aires, and then traveling west to the town of Mendoza. I am really looking forward to this trip, especially the tour of Slant Walk Winery (which is owned by Miami grads) and the whitewater rafting we have planned on our free day.
Thanks for reading!