Three new temple presidents and their wives have been called by the First Presidency. They will begin their service later this year.
Rómulo Jesús Casós, 71, University City 2nd Ward, San Diego California North Stake, called as president of the new Trujillo Peru Temple. President Casós’ wife, Marlene María Müller de Casós, will serve as temple matron. He serves as a sealer in the San Diego California Temple. He has served as a regional representative, president of the Perú Arequipa Mission, stake president, patriarch, bishop and area auditor for the South America Northwest Area. Retired assistant temple recorder of the San Diego California Temple, he was born in Arequipa, Peru, to Manuel Aristides Casós Venegas and Rosa Isabel Bellido Avila.
Sister Casós serves as a temple preparation instructor. She served with her husband has he presided over the Perú Arequipa Mission and has served as a stake and ward Primary president, ward Relief Society president, ward Young Women president, senior couple missionary and temple ordinance worker. She was born in Santiago, Chile, to Roberto Teodoro Müller Carvajal and Olga Moreno Soumastre.
Mario Cecilio Cristóbal Romero, 66, Córdoba Chacabuco Ward, Córdoba Argentina North Stake, called as president of the new Córdoba Argentina Temple. President Romero’s wife, Vilma Marta Cattaneo de Romero, will serve as temple matron. He serves as a counselor in a ward bishopric. He has served as president of the Argentina Mendoza Mission, stake president, counselor in the Buenos Aires Argentina Temple presidency, Córdoba Argentina Temple Public Affairs Committee member and stake family history consultant. Retired administrator of LDS properties for the Church, he was born in Santa Fe, Argentina, to Pedro Cecilio Romero and María Issabel Alarcón de Romero.
Sister Romero serves as a seminary teacher. She served with her husband as he presided over the Argentina Mendoza Mission and has served as assistant to the matron of the Buenos Aires Argentina Temple, regional Public Affairs Council secretary, stake and ward Relief Society president, stake Young Women president and stake family history consultant. She was born in Santa Fe, Argentina, to Segundo Tomás Cattaneo and Beatriz Dora Fazzio de Cattaneo.
William Blake Sonne, 72, Elk Ridge 4th Ward, Elk Ridge Utah Stake, called as president of the new Payson Utah Temple. President Sonne’s wife, Elizabeth Kay Bickmore Sonne, will serve as temple matron. He serves as a sealer in the Provo Utah Temple and as a temple preparation instructor. He has served as an Area Seventy, president of the Utah Salt Lake City Mission, stake president, bishop and missionary training center district president. Retired senior vice-president/chief operating officer of Arnold Palmer Golf Management Company, he was born in Los Angeles, California, to Joseph Dean and Hazel Sonne.
Sister Sonne serves as an ordinance worker in the Provo Utah Temple and as a temple preparation teacher. She served with her husband as he presided over the Utah Salt Lake City Mission. She has served in a stake Young Women presidency, as ward Relief Society and Young Women president and in a ward Primary presidency. She was born in Pocatello, Idaho, to Levi Smith and Ellen McMinn Bickmore.