Jeremy Says TG Christmas Special Will Reveal "What Actually Happened" in …

A lot of controversy was stirred up by the suggestive number plate worn by Jeremy Clarkson’s Porsche 928 which was used in the Top Gear Christmas special.

It caused the crew to be attacked by an angry Argentinean mob. You probably already know some details about this, but now we learn that the TV program, that is set to air on December 27, will show “what really happened.”

Clarkson used his
Sun Motors column to say “we were going to travel through Patagonia – the southern bit of South America – as a goodbye to the V8 engine before it’s decommissioned,” all well and good, we say, and a nice premise for an epic road trip.

“We got three V8 sports cars and I wanted a Porsche 928. There were only two for sale in Britain – one was black, which doesn’t work well on camera, and one was grey, so we got the grey one,” he added noting that it was “well into filming” before people noticed the offensive number plate which Clarkson insists was purely a coincidence.

We aren’t saying he’s lying here, but think about the kind of jokes he’s known for making. Having this number plate on a car destined for Argentina sounds exactly like something he’d do to stir things up, right?

Regardless, all will be revealed on the show, although we won’t know if the side of the story the support is actually just. We’ll surely have more answers after the show airs and people start speaking up.


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