Holly Hill Elementary School first in Alabama to offer Mandarin class

Chandelle Walker assists first, second and third graders

Chandelle Walker assists first, second and third graders

More than 300 students at Holly Hill Elementary School are participating in the new Language Stars after-school program, the first in the state according to HHES Principal Christie Mitten. Above, parent volunteer Chandelle Walker assists first, second and third graders during their Mandarin classes. Classes in Spanish are also being conducted. With more than one billion speakers worldwide, Mandarin is China’s most common dialect and the most widely spoken language in the world. Language Star teachers are native speaking Mandarin teachers from mainland China and Taiwan. The Language Star Spanish teachers come from countries such as Colombia, Peru, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, and Spain.

Posted: Friday, October 24, 2014 2:26 pm

Updated: 2:34 pm, Fri Oct 24, 2014.

Holly Hill Elementary School first in Alabama to offer Mandarin class

By Michelle Mann


The Southeast Sun


With more than 1 billion speakers worldwide, Mandarin is China’s most common dialect and the most widely spoken language in the world.

That formation was part of what prompted Holly Hill School Principal Christie Mitten to take a second look when she met representatives from Language Stars at a recent education conference.

“By the time these children graduate from high school, this will be the language to know,” said Mitten as she surveyed a room of Holly Hill School first, second and third graders dialogue with a Mandarin teacher via Skype, a video communication tool via the internet.

Those youngsters, along with their parent volunteers, are among some 300 Holly Hill students who are participating in after school Spanish classes and the state’s first ever elementary school Mandarin classes.

Language Stars is a language-learning center, which opened in 1998, and now has more than 20 locations in the Chicago and Washington, D.C. metro areas. The Holly Hill classes are Language Star’s first not only in Alabama, but also the Southern states, according to Mitten.

Language Star teachers are native speaking Mandarin teachers from mainland China and Taiwan. The Language Star Spanish teachers come from countries such as Colombia, Peru, Mexico, Argentina, Chileand Spain.

The program utilizes play-based education in a full immersion foreign language setting, Mitten said. “It’s a natural and easy way for children to learn a new language through a mix of games, songs and arts and crafts.”


Friday, October 24, 2014 2:26 pm.

Updated: 2:34 pm.

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