Falklands unaware of Argentina’s scholarships program geared to Islanders

 The National University of San Juan Bosco, based in the Chubut province in Patagonia is said to be offering 10 scholarships that will include free flights to and from Argentina, an allowance and the possibility of lodging in a university residence.

Argentine official Daniel Filmus recalled that in the beginning of the 1970s (when he was a first generation Argentine teenager), dozens of Falklands youngsters were offered scholarships and had studied on the Argentine mainland.

In 1971 Argentina signed an agreement with the UK allowing it to offer different programs and services to the Falkland Islanders in the health, labor and education sectors. At the beginning of the program five scholarships were offered, expanding to 10 in 1972, and then 30 in 1974.

Apparently the program sponsored (and financed) by Argentina's Education and Foreign Affairs ministries in the future could be extended to other universities in the country.

The University of San Juan Bosco has its headquarters in Comodoro Rivadavia, and campuses in Esquel, Trelew and Puerto Madryn. It's not very clear when it really took off as a regional university, officially 1980 with the fusion of the religious Patagonia San Juan Bosco University (belonging to the Salesian congregation) and the government's National University of Patagonia. Currently it has an enrollment of 13.659 students. (PN).

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