The series, co-produced with Argentina's Cisne Films and StoryLab, will premiere on 4 May across Latin America through the HD and SD options of OnDirecTV. After broadcasting through regular pay-TV, each episode will be available via VOD on DirecTV Play for six months.
The process will be the other way round for the premiering episode, which is to be free available on DirecTV Play one day before it's launched on OnDirecTV.
"The project La Casa del Mar has been the first original production for LATAM, but DIRECTV intends to keep producing its own contents from Argentina to be broadcast across the nine Latin American countries in which we are airing", explained Juan González del Solar, programming and content manager at DIRECTV Argentina . "Original content production is a priority together with sports content".
The series has four 52-minutes episodes and was written and directed by Juan Laplace, winning the awards of Argentina's cinema and audiovisual national institute. La Casa del Mar stares in Dario Grandinetti, Juan Gil Navarro and Gloria Carrá, among other Latin American actors.