Putin ve Kirchner video konferans yöntemiyle görüştü

Olivos'taki devlet başkanlığı konutu ile Kremlin arasında gerçekleştirilen bağlantıda Kirchner, Buenos Aires-Moskova ilişkilerini "dünyanın örnek aldığı bir model" olarak niteledi.Kirchner, Birleşmiş Milletler Genel Kurulu'nda, Arjantin'in borçlarının yeniden yapılandırılmasına dair sunduğu tasarıya Rusya'nın verdiği desteği hatırlattı.İki lider de Arjantin'in borçları konusunda "akbaba fonları" olarak nitelendirilen anlaşmaya yanaşmayan alacaklı tahvil Read more [...]

Nicolas Sanchez : "Ça va être un truc de fou"

Les Pumas disputent leur deuxième demi-finale mondiale dimanche face à l'Australie. A l'image de Nicolas Sanchez, ancien ouvreur de Bordeaux-Bègles et de Toulon, l'Argentine aborde avec sérénité un match qui peut la faire entrer dans l'histoire. France Bleu : Que faisiez vous en 2007 quand l’Argentine avait atteint les demi-finales pour la première fois ?_ Nicolas Sanchez_ : J‘étais en France. On était venu voir la coupe du monde avec l’équipe de Tucuma. J’étais en vacances. Read more [...]

Mondial de rugby: le grand retour des Pumas argentins

Huit ans après son intrusion surprise, l'Argentine revient dans le dernier carré de la Coupe du monde, grâce à son succès sur l'Irlande (43-20) en quart de finale, dimanche à Cardiff. Ce succès concrétise les grands progrès des Argentins, qui avaient terminé troisièmes Mondial-2007 à la surprise générale. Cette place sur le podium avait offert aux Pumas un visa pour le Four Nations, compétition internationale de l'hémisphère sud qui leur permet d'affronter Read more [...]

#360view: Argentina’s element of surprise has purists purring at the Pumas

There is a school of thought among a certain strain of purist that rugby in the professional era is nowhere near as exciting as the amateur age. A focus on defence and tactical kicking has reduced it to pumped-up chess, ultimately decided by which side does the basics the best. How terribly unromantic. It’s true that professionalism and the subsequent growth of sports science has led to bigger and fitter players, while analytical studies of each game allow the smallest errors and imperfections Read more [...]

Argentina and New Zealand are Roger Uttley’s Rugby World Cup final tips

This Rugby World Cup has certainly not short-changed us in terms of entertainment and after four-top-notch quarter-finals we are now down to the business end. The fact that the home nations are no longer represented in the tournament is a disappointment but the quality of rugby has been fantastic. This weekend’s semi-final line-up looks like continuing that pattern. New Zealand and South Africa get things under way at Twickenham on Saturday. The All Blacks, on the back of what would have to rank Read more [...]

U17-WM 2015: Deutschland schießt Argentinien ab – T

Die deutsche U17-Nationalmannschaft ist nach nur zwei absolvierten Spielen bereits für das Achtelfinale bei der Weltmeisterschaft in Chile qualifiziert. Die Mannschaft von Trainer Christian Wück gewann nach dem 4:1-Auftaktsieg gegen Australien auch das zweite Match in der Gruppe gegen den Mitfavoriten Argentinien klar mit 4:0 (3:0). Ballon d'Or: Drei deutsche Nationalspieler mit dabei Read more [...]

Yes, Argentina can one day be champions – Guido Petti

0 SharesprintEight years ago, a young Guido Petti posed for pictures with Juan Martin Hernandez when Argentina defeated France to claim a third-place finish at the 2007 World Cup. On Sunday, the pair will attempt to guide the Pumas into their first final when they take on Australia at Twickenham.Last month, shortly before Argentina embarked on their enthralling run into the last four, Petti dug out his keepsake from that historic night at the Stade de France and showed it to Hernandez."We laughed Read more [...]