Bacca vai jogar no Milan

O AC Milan já chegou a um acordo com o avançado colombiano Carlos Bacca, que foi recentemente eliminado da Copa América pela Argentina e que deverá assinar um contrato válido durante as próximas quatro temporadas com o clube de Milão. Foi o próprio empresário do atleta que confirmou o acordo entre as partes."Posso confirmar que o Milan e Bacca já chegaram a acordo. Ele escolheu o que era melhor para o seu futuro, pelo que é natural que esteja feliz", declarou o empresário Sergio Barilla, ao Read more [...]

Lionel Messi never lets down Argentina, and he needs help

Lionel Messi is the ultimate equalizer. The big brother that you bring to the school to address your bullies. The father that comes to settle the argument and dole out punishments. The ringer on the team of misfits who has played professionally in some glamorized country where even the worst products are leagues better than anyone in your indoor team. With him there is always hope. Yet, Argentina is doing all that it can to extinguish that feeling. The accepted narrative for a long time was Read more [...]

FOLLOW LIVE — Copa America: Brazil vs. Paraguay for the last semifinal spot

Argentina is already through to the semifinals, where they’ll face the winner of Saturday’s fourth and final 2015 Copa America quarterfinal matchup, between Brazil and Paraguay. [ MORE: All of PST’s Copa America coverage ] The two sides will face off in Concepcion, Chile, where they’ll be gunning for their 30th and 22nd South American Championship/Copa America semifinals appearance all time, respectively. Brazil are still without Neymar, whose four-game suspension following Brazil’s second Read more [...]

*fREE.STREAM.WATCH_____Brazil vs Paraguay Live Stream Copa America …

Brazil and Paraguay will close out the quarterfinals of the 2015 Copa America tournament on Saturday, June 27 at the Estadio Municipal de Concepción in Concepción, Chile. Copa America 2015 Online While Dunga’s boys topped their group qualifications, they are still not playing up to the level that is expected of the Pentacampeões. They had 2-1 victories over Peru and Venezuela, but their 0-1 loss to Colombia proved to be the most crucial as they lost team captain Neymar because Read more [...]

Santos mira "volantes tarimbados" para substituir Valencia

Fernando Gago e Marcelo Mattos estão na mira do SantosO Santos estuda a contratação do volante Fernando Gago, titular do meio-campo do Boca Juniors, da Argentina. O atleta foi sugerido por empresários e agrada a cúpula alvinegra – as informações foram confirmadas por um membro do Comitê de Gestão. Porém, o interesse esbarra na questão financeira. O Peixe negocia, sabendo que não é fácil tirá-lo de La Bombonera. O cabeça de área tem contrato com os Xeneizes até o meio do ano Read more [...]

22h07 Omar Da Fonseca : "Le Brésil joue à contre-emploi"

Football - Copa America 2015 Samedi 27 juin 2015 - 22:07 Commentateur de la Copa America pour BeIN Sports, Omar Da Fonseca est revenu sur le début cette édition 2015 pour et s'est même livré à un pronostic. : Après la phase de poules, que pensez-vous de cette édition 2015 de la Copa America ?Omar Da Fonseca : Je trouve qu'il y a eu très peu de matches Read more [...]

Copa América. Le Brésil et le Paraguay s’affrontent en quarts – Ouest

Premiers de leur groupe C avec 6 points, les Auriverde auront fort à faire pour se débarasser des Paraguayens de l'ex-Montpelliérain Lucas Barrios. Auteur de deux buts lors de la phase de groupes, l'ancien attaquant du MHSC (il a signé un contrat de trois ans en faveur de Palmeiras) sera l'homme à suivre pour les défenseurs de Dunga.En s'imposant face aux Brésiliens, le Paraguay retrouverait l'Albiceleste, qu'il avait déjà affrontée dans son groupe B pour un nul Read more [...]

L’Argentine veut sanctionner les groupes pétroliers actifs aux …

La justice argentine a annoncé samedi avoir ordonné la saisie d'actifs et de comptes bancaires appartenant à cinq groupes pétroliers effectuant de l'exploration au large des Iles Malouines, territoire britannique revendiqué par Buenos Aires.Cette mesure s'inscrit dans le cadre de l'action judiciaire lancée le 21 avril par les autorités argentines, qui ont déposé plainte contre trois sociétés britanniques (Rockhopper Exploration plc, Premier Oil plc et Falkland Oil And Gas Limited) et Read more [...]