Grapevine: Get to know your new ambassadors

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine... You're Hired The Senate confirmed new ambassadors to Argentina and Hungary today. As we have reported previously in the Grapevine-- what these two lack in foreign policy chops-- they make up for-- in generosity to the president. Hungarian Ambassador Colleen Bell used to be a soap opera producer. She admitted in her hearing-- she could not name the U.S. interests in the region. That could be problematic-- given the recent unrest Read more [...]

Argentine Ricardo ‘El Tigre’ Gareca likely will be Costa Rica’s next national …

Argentina’s Ricardo “El Tigre” Gareca, 56, a former coach of Club Atlético Vélez Sarsfield, is the frontrunner to become Costa Rica’s new head coach for the national football team, known as “La Sele.” According to statements by both Gareca and Eduardo Li, president of the Costa Rican Football Federation, or Fedefútbol, the Argentine and La Sele are close to a contract deal that would start in 2015. Gareca arrived in Costa Rica on Sunday, and on Monday was given a tour of Project Read more [...]

女曲冠軍盃阿根廷4:1 英格蘭

女子曲棍球冠軍盃,衛冕的阿根廷於分組賽擊敗英格蘭。 這場亦算是上屆決賽翻版。英格蘭上屆以英國隊身份參賽,今屆就以亞軍身份直接取得參賽席位。芭維於七分鐘的入球為她們領先。 B 組的英格蘭對上兩場分組賽都未能勝出,阿根廷就一勝一和。列碧芝的入球為阿根廷半場追平。 換邊後更加控制戰局,憑著迪艾莉亞、路婕迪和美尼露各入一球。 4:1 反勝英格蘭。分組賽首名出線,將會鬥 Read more [...]

Brasil puxa para baixo economia do continente

Brasil puxa para baixo economia do continente 02/12/2014 - 22:13:11 Brasil, Argentina e Venezuela empurrarão para baixo o crescimento médio da América do Sul. A avaliação consta do Balanço Preliminar das Economias da América Latina e do Caribe 2014, divulgado nesta terça-feira pela secretária-executiva da Comissão Econômica para América Latina e Caribe (Cepal), Alicia Bárcena. Para 2014, a previsão é que a economia do continente Read more [...]

Ein Jahr in Südamerika arbeiten

Jungen Leuten zwischen 18 und 28 Jahren bietet die Evangelische Kirche von Westfalen (EKvW) wieder die Möglichkeit, ab August 2015 ein Jahr in der Evangelischen Kirche am La Plata (Argentinien, Uruguay, Paraguay) zu verbringen. Angeboten werden sieben Einsatzstellen im diakonischen Bereich: in Kinder- und Jugendeinrichtungen in Armenvierteln im Großraum Buenos Aires, in der Indianer-Gemeinde Takupi sowie in einer Kindertagesstätte in Gualeguaychú.Die Bewerberinnen und Bewerber sollten weltoffen Read more [...]

Туляк удалил со своей страницы «Вконтакте» материалы экстремистского содержания

Прокуратура города Тулы совместно с ЦПЭ УМВД России по Тульской области провела проверку по факту распространения Н. материалов экстремистского содержания в информационно-телекоммуникационной сети «Интернет».   Установлено, что Н., используя свою личную пользовательскую Read more [...]

A El Chanar, la rue Messi croise la rue Mascherano

Outre les deux joueurs du FC Barcelone, le milieu de terrain de Manchester United Angel Di Maria et celui de Manchester City, Sergio Agüero, ont aussi donné leur nom à des rues du quartier Portal, dans cette petite ville de 6.000 habitants. "Dans ce quartier, les rues n'avaient pas de nom, alors on a trouvé que c'était une bonne idée de leur donner le nom de joueurs qui inspirent les jeunes", dit un employé communal, Carlos Salazar. En revanche, pas de rue Ezequiel Lavezzi, qui n'est plus Read more [...]