Аргентина напоминает о своём суверенитете над Фолклендскими островами

<!-- Tweet --> Общественный транспорт Республики Аргентина должен разместить внутри передвижных средств, на местах отправления, прибытия и промежуточных остановках, как в стране, так и за ее пределами, баннеры: «Las Malvinas son argentinas» (с испанского: «Мальвинские острова — Read more [...]

"Реал" предложил Месси контракт с зарплатой 25 миллионов евро в год – Спортивно

Ранее стало известно, что "Барселона" намерена продать Месси после 2016 года. Мадридский "Реал" предложил игроку сборной Аргентины по футболу и "Барселоны" Лионелю Месси зарплату в размере 25 миллионов евро в год, сообщает "Газета.Ru" со ссылкой Read more [...]

Francis Directs the Minister

A friend responds to my story about the Southern Baptist evangelist James Robison, High Fivin’ the Pope, with a story of her own.Several months ago I happened to see an interview Robison had with a prominent Protestant minister who lives in Argentina. He told Robison that Pope Francis had been his spiritual director in Argentina before he became pope. This minister saw him regularly for spiritual direction — I think once a month.Anyway, when Francis became Pope Francis, the Protestant minister told Read more [...]

Local rancher warns of foot-and-mouth threat from abroad

Pete Bonds runs a huge ranching operation(Photo: WFAA)SAGINAW – Pete Bonds runs a huge ranching operation. He has thousands of head of cattle spread across Texas.He's worried about the threat - even the remotest threat - of foot-and-mouth disease infecting his herds."I go to shaking every time I think about it," he said. "The devastation we would see on these cow herds is just tremendous."Bonds had to speak up to be heard over bellowing cows that thought we had come to feed them in their pasture Read more [...]

Hockey: Chance for new Black Sticks to prove themselves

New Zealand's best up and coming hockey internationals are about to get a top chance to show they belong in the Black Sticks. The women's team arrive in Mendoza, Argentina today for the eight-nation Champions Trophy and coach Mark Hager wants to see his players stepping up and showing their true potential. With senior pair Kayla Whitelock and Emily Naylor taking time out from the game, Krystal Forgesson having retired Read more [...]

Nani: «Estou muito feliz no Sporting»

As declarações de Nani logo após o encontro de Portugal com a Argentina (1-0), em Old Trafford, deixaram o universo leonino em estado de alerta. O internacional português não foi perentório na sua vontade de permanecer em Alvalade até ao final da temporada, deixando no ar um “não digo que não” quando questionado sobre um regresso prematuro a Inglaterra já em janeiro. No entanto, em entrevista ao jornal britânico “The Guardian”, o camisola 77 dos leões fez questão de abordar o Read more [...]

Sem Limite #7: K42 Argentina, Trail Run, suplementos, 3ª idade e …

O Sem Limite dessa semana estreia seu estúdio de verão e comenta sobre a Maratona de Curitiba, a K42 Argentina, além da Ayrton Senna Racing Day e uma clínica de Trail Run da The North Face.
Na seção Qualidade de Vida temos uma dica para a terceira idade, além de uma visão diferente sobre suplementos alimentares.
Assista, comente e compartilhe, estamos esperando sua opinião!

Artistas da Áustria e da Argentina tocam no fim de semana

Crédito: Estelita/Divulgação O som de bandas da Europa e América Latina se juntam a artistas da cena local e de vizinhos da Paraíba e do interior do estado. A primeira edição do Under Rock Sessions, que ocorre no Estelita neste fim de semana, programa oito atrações: confira! Os grupos Hindoslem (da Áustria), Le Freak (de Santa Cruz do Capibaribe) e Red Dust e Magic Bus (do Recife) abrem a sucessão de shows da casa de festas nesta sexta-feira, a partir das 21h. Os austríacos integraram Read more [...]

Ο "Λόκο" των 19 ομάδων και 700 παιχνιδιών

"Πρώτα από όλα χαίρομαι για το γεγονός ότι θα αγωνιστώ σε έναν τελικό, την πιθανότητα να εξασφαλίσουμε το εισιτήριο για το Κόπα Λιμπερταδόρες, αλλά και προσωπικά το επίτευγμα να φτάσω τις 700 συμμετοχές. Είναι κάτι πολύ όμορφο.", είπε μετά τη λήξη της αναμέτρησης. Τον Read more [...]

Güney Amerika Kupası Superclasicosunda Kazanan Yok

CANAN KAYA, BUENOS AİRES / (fotoğraflı) Arjantin'de Superclasico heyecanı bir kez daha gündemi kilitledi. hükümetin dolar operasyonu, ne taşımacılık sendikasının grev tehdidi ne de muhalefet birliği UNEN'in dağılması Arjantinlilerin umurundaydı. Güney America Kupası (Copa Sudamericana) yarıfinal maçları kapsamında oynanan Boca Juniors-River Plate karşılaşması son bir haftadır her şeyin önüne geçti.10 KİLOMETRELİK GÜVENLİK AĞIYarı Read more [...]