American Airlines limitó a 90 días la compra de pasajes por el cepo …

');eIFD.close(); var s = eIFD.createElement('SCRIPT'); s.src = 'http://' + (eS2?eS2:eS1) +'/layers/epl-41.js'; eIFD.body.appendChild(s); if (!eS2) { var ss = eIFD.createElement('SCRIPT'); ss.src = ''; eIFD.body.appendChild(ss); } eplLL = true; return false; } } eplCheckStart(); function eplSetAdM(eID,custF) { if (eplCheckStart()) { if (custF) { document.epl.setCustomAdShow(eID,eplArgs.custom[eID]); } document.epl.showSpace(eID); } else Read more [...]


No es emitida ni controlada por ningún Banco Central, no se imprime en billetes pero circula libremente por la Web. El Bitcoin (BTC) es una moneda virtual creada en 2009 que -como todo en Internet-, al principio sólo era utilizada por un núcleo muy exclusivo de ‘adoptadores tempranos’. Con el tiempo, su uso se fue generalizando y, hoy -según fuentes consultadas Read more [...]

How do you accurately portray the magic of Lionel Messi – the world’s greatest …

De la Iglesia wasn't much interested in football. His films – The Day of the Beast, Perdita Durango – have tended to be outrageous comic-book fantasies full of sex, violence and very dark humour. Nonetheless, when the Messi project was proposed by Mediapro, he was intrigued. Part of the fascination was the air of mystery that surrounds Messi. The footballer doesn't give many interviews. Off the field, he is a guarded, shy and private figure, who, as the director says, "is always in a bubble"."I Read more [...]


李漢揚/整理 中華民國國際青年大使拉美二團於當地時間14日晚抵阿根廷後,16日晚間在首都大都會劇院公演,在800多位來賓的喝采及歡呼聲中,結束本次巡迴公演。 駐阿根廷代表黃聯昇致詞時,感謝貴賓撥冗參加,並強調,總統馬英九自2009年起開始推動國際青年大使交流計畫,旨在鼓勵青年參與國際事務拓寬國際視野,宣揚台灣在國際社會努力扮演「和平締造者」、「人道援助提供者」、「文化交流推動者」、「新科技與商機創造者」以及「中華文化領航者」的積極正面角色。 黃聯昇表示,文化扮演突破語言及距離限制,彼此溝通人類心靈,公演最重要目的即在於透過台灣青年們的精湛演出,讓阿國各界人士益加瞭解台灣及台灣人民。 包括阿根廷外交界人士、行政官員、國會議員、經貿界人士、僑界先進及學術文化與媒體等各界人士共超過800餘人觀賞,全場座無虛席。 第七頻道電視台、第十九電視台、宏觀電視台及超過20餘位新聞媒體出席與會;由於場外仍有許多民眾等待入場,為避免造成民怨,代表處特別準備具台灣特色小點心提供排隊人潮。 本次公演,青年大使團融合才藝並運用多媒體技術,以「山」、「人」、「中」、「家」、「情」、「食」、「新」、「青春」、「愛」等主題,表演原住民舞蹈、歌仔戲、旗舞、街舞、擊鼓、書法、京劇、特技與詩歌吟唱,內容多元豐富,精彩演出獲得在場來賓報以熱烈掌聲,場面氣氛熱絡。 阿國民眾均對緊湊、精彩且兼含台灣多元文化特色的節目內容感到新奇又有趣,紛紛表示期待每年都能到訪阿根廷。  Read more [...]

Newcastle winger Jonas Gutierrez treated for testicular cancer

The 31-year-old Aregentine midfielder has undergone chemotherapy after having surgery following the discovery of a tumour.But it was detected following an accidental collision with Sagna on the final match of the 2012-2013 season at St James' Park.After the challenge, Sanga had a scan which led to the discovery of the cancer.In an interview with TYC Sports in Argentina, Gutierrez said: "I had a very hard collision with Sagna in the area of the pubic bone and the genitals."From then I had a lot of Read more [...]

Juventus, Tevez e la Nazionale. Il CT Martino: "Lo seguo con …

Lo spettacolare inizio di stagione di Carlitos Tevez non è certo passato inosservato in Argentina. Come si legge su Tuttosport, il neo CT Martino, successore di quel Sabella che non aveva convocato l'Apache per i Mondiali in Brasile, segue con attenzione l'attaccante bianconero. E' lo stesso Martino, in un'intervista a La Nacion a confermarlo: "Seguo Tevez, Read more [...]

Dramatic GoPro video shows backpacker Alexander Hennessy warding off …

The footage, uploaded to YouTube on Tuesday, shows Alexander Hennessy pedalling on a cycle path during a cycle tour, when a man on a motorbike speeds into the shot in such haste that he almost hits a burgundy people carrier.At first, Hennessy rides past the motorcyclist attempting to block the cycle path, and is apparently unaware that the man is a mugger.But as he continues to cycle, the motorcyclist re-appears by Hennessy’s side and draws a gun from inside his jacket.Subtitles on the video explain Read more [...]

Argentina: Martino, apertura su Tevez, al pari di Aguero e Higuain

Share on Tumblr Add to Flipboard Magazine. Buenos Aires, 18 set. Arriva finalmente la giusta considerazione per l’Apache da parte del selezionatore della nazionale albiceleste. Il commissario tecnico dell`Argentina, Gerardo Martino, riapre le porte della Nazionale a Carlos Tevez. “Io lo considero un numero 9 e quindi si giocherà il posto con Gonzalo Higuain e Sergio Aguero”, afferma l`ex tecnico del Barcellona in un`intervista alla `Nacion`. Condividi su:Share on TumblrComments comments Read more [...]


【now.com體育】阿根廷教練馬天奴透露,不排除重召落選世界盃大軍的泰維斯入隊,而如果入隊的話,所踢的位置只會得1個,那就是9號位置。前阿根廷國家隊教練沙比拿於今夏世界盃揀選最後陣容時,沒有將前鋒泰維斯(Carlos Tevez)納入他的23人名單之內,此舉無疑令該名祖雲達斯前鋒感到非常失望,更有不少人認為其國家隊生涯已經劃上了句號。然而世事是無絕對的,如今國家隊帥位已改由前巴塞隆拿教練馬天奴(Gerardo Read more [...]