Schweinsteiger é o novo capitão da seleção alemã

O médio Bastian Schweinsteiger, do Bayern Munique, foi hoje designado pelo selecionador Joachim Löw o novo capitão da seleção alemã de futebol, substituindo Philipp Lahm nessa função.Apesar da nova responsabilidade, Schweinteiger falhará, no entanto, o jogo particular de quarta-feira frente à Argentina, em Dusseldorf, por se encontrar a recuperar de uma lesão no joelho esquerdo.É a segunda vez num curto de espaço de tempo que a Alemanha defronta a Argentina, depois de a Read more [...]

Khedira falha reedição da final do Mundial

Lesionado na coxa esquerda, Khedira foi afastado dos convocados da seleção da Alemanha, que esta quarta-feira (19h45) defronta a Argentina, em jogo particular, e a Escócia, no domingo, em jogo da fase de qualificação do Euro'2016.Khedira junta-se assim aos lesionados Jerome Boateng, Mats Hummels e Mesut Ozil. O médio Sebastian Rudy (Hoffenheim) foi chamado por Low. PUB Read more [...]

Με το Γερμανία – Αργεντινή να δεσπόζει

Η ΛΙΣΤΑ ΜΕ ΤΙΣ ΚΙΝΗΣΕΙΣ ΤΟΥ ΚΑΛΟΚΑΙΡΙΟΥ Όλες οι μεταγραφές Τσιτσαρίτο η Ρεάλ, Τσέρτσι η Ατλέτικο, Φαν Χίνκελ η Μίλαν, Σταμπουλί η Τότεναμ, Χόλτμπι το Αμβούργο, Ποστίγκα η Ντέπορ, Αβραάμ η Τράμπζονσπορ. Όλες οι κινήσεις της τελευταίας Read more [...]

Blatche says knee is "better" as Gilas looks to win two straight

Andray Blatche of Gilas Pilipinas plows over Luis Scola of Argentina. Photo from SEVILLE, Spain - After a pair of heartbreaking losses to Croatia and Argentina and a competitive defeat to Greece, Gilas Pilipinas is off to a 0-3 start in their 2014 FIBA World Cup campaign in Seville, Spain. But despite the trio of losses, positivity still looms in Gilas' camp thanks to the team's strong and unexpected play so far in the tournament, where they have turned the heads of many with their unpredictable Read more [...]


(綜合報道)(星島日報報道)教宗方濟牽頭的和平慈善賽周一於羅馬上演,阿根廷名將辛尼迪率領的Pupi明星隊以6:3擊敗有馬勒當拿及巴治奧壓陣的Scholas明星隊。除兩位殿堂級名將外,朗拿甸奴、派路、華達拉馬及保方等現役及已退休的名將均有落場,兩軍並分別由阿根廷主帥馬天奴及阿仙奴領隊雲加督師。五十三歲的「老馬」上半場於人叢中妙傳突破越位的巴治奧建功,叫網民看得如癡如醉。 Read more [...]


(綜合報道)(星島日報報道)香港足球隊昨晨復操備戰十月友賽阿根廷,教練金判坤點兵「以老帶新」,倚重三十歲以上的李志豪、李威廉、聶凌峰等「熟男兵團」。金帥期望老馬有火,點起八、九十後的爭勝雄心。港足昨晨有十八名球員在掃桿埔運動場復操,迎接九月六日作客越南及九月九日作客新加坡的友賽。三十一歲的守將李志豪、三十三歲的翼鋒李威廉及港德混血中堅聶凌峰操練賣力,金帥大讚老兵「愈老愈有火」:「年齡只是數字,教練選人只看態度及鬥志,志豪、威廉等人仍是有心有力,可以帶起小將成長。」此外,金帥將派員聯絡身在葡萄牙的歐陽耀冲,定期監察他的進度,以視乎是否徵召他回港在十月十四日友賽阿根廷。 Read more [...]

Argentine gov’t laments deaths of 11 teachers in road collision

BUENOS AIRES, Sept. 2 (Xinhua) -- Argentine Education Minister Alberto Sileoni on Tuesday lamented the losses of 11 teachers who died in a road crash in the country's north-western province of Santiago del Estero earlier in the day.A minibus carrying the school teachers collided with an oil tanker on a highway on Tuesday morning, killing at least 11 teachers, authorities said.In a communique, the minister expressed "condolences and solidarity with the relatives of the victims of the Read more [...]

Barış İçin Dinler Arası Maç yapıldı

Papa Franciscus’un verdiği ilhamla Arjantinli eski futbolcu Inter Kulübü Başkan Yardımcısı Zanetti’nin hayata geçirdiği “Barış için Dinlerarası Maç”, Roma Olimpiyat Stadı’nda yapıldı Katolik aleminin ruhani lideri Papa Franciscus’un verdiği ilhamla Arjantinli eski futbolcu Inter Kulübü Başkan Yardımcısı Javier Zanetti’nin hayata geçirdiği “Barış için Dinlerarası Maç”, Roma Olimpiyat Stadı’nda yapıldı. Maçta dünya futbol tarihine adını altın Read more [...]

Water access may stonewall shale boom, report finds

Energy producers face fierce competition for scarce water resources as they look to expand North America’s shale gas boom into regions that are facing stresses due to overuse or inadequate supplies of fresh water.Concerns about the demand for and contamination of local groundwater have long plagued the shale gas industry, which has been shut out of places like Quebec and New York State due to environmental concerns, and faces fierce political opposition in jurisdictions like Colorado and New Brunswick. More Read more [...]