Serena no piensa aún en los 22 títulos de Slam

Serena Williams está construyendo una nueva mansión, con una sala de karaoke y una habitación exclusiva para lidiar con su adicción a los bolsos. Williams y su hermana mayor, Venus, finalmente vivirán separadas tras décadas, aunque a la vuelta de la esquina en Florida. Serena bromeó el lunes que contemplaba reducir el presupuesto luego de embolsarse un premio récord de 4 millones de dólares Read more [...]

Destaque contra Argentina, Raulzinho é elogiado por companheiros

08/09/2014 19:16 Tweet Herói da Seleção Brasileira contra a Argentina, o armador Raulzinho foi elogiado pelos seus companheiros e também por membros da comissão técnica da equipe pela atuação no último domingo pela Copa do Mundo de basquete masculino. O jovem jogador foi o cestinha contra o rival sul-americano, anotando 21 Read more [...]

Milano, “Nietos-la memoria rubata”, in scena le madri coraggio …

Le madri di Plaza de Mayo In occasione dell’anniversario del Golpe in Cile, calcio di inizio di un’aberrazione chiamata Plan Condor, cioè un trattato di mutua e reciproca assistenza tra tutte le dittature sudamericane, il Festival della Letteratura di Milano propone, quest’anno, “Nietos – la memoria rubata”. Un viaggio tra caparbietà, voglia di verità e speranza delle Abuelas di Plaza de Mayo che, prima come mamme e successivamente come nonne, da quarant’anni Read more [...]

Dilma diz que propor fim do Mercosul é ‘tiro no pé’

A presidente Dilma Rousseff aproveitou entrevista coletiva no Palácio da Alvorada nesta segunda-feira, 08, se diferenciar de seus dois principais adversários na corrida eleitoral, a ex-ministra Marina Silva (PSB) e o senador Aécio Neves (PSDB), na área de política externa. Dilma fez uma defesa da importância do Mercosul - formado por Brasil, Uruguai, Paraguai, Argentina e Venezuela - e disse que propor o fim do bloco "é um tiro no pé". A presidente Read more [...]

65 Ton Dreadnoughtus Schrani Ruled the Jurassic

At 85 feet long and weighing 65 tons, Dreadnoughtus Schrani, may have been the largest dinosaur that walked earth. The discovery of the dinosaur, a sauropoad that walked on four and thrived on plants, began in 2005 in Argentina, with the sighting of just one bone. By 2009 a team of paleontologists had unearthed 145 bones, Fox News reports. Share This Story "It turned out to be a 6-foot-plus-long femur, which Read more [...]

Spurs take a world of selfies on tour with championship trophy

Mitch Heckart, 28, had never left the country before this summer. Then the Spurs won their fifth NBA title. Spurs players are taking the Larry O'Brien Championship Trophy on a 87,000-mile victory tour, and Heckart and Kris Davis are Larry's Chaperones. They're taking care of the trophy all summer as it visits seven countries on four continents. Since July 3, Heckart has carried Larry (the Spurs are on a first-name basis with the trophy) to the beaches of Rio de Janeiro Read more [...]

Αργεντινή: Πέμπτη συνεχόμενη νίκη για Ρίβερ (videos)

Προβάδισμα τριών βαθμών πήρε η Ρίβερ Πλέιτ στην βαθμολογία της Inicial της Αργεντινής χάρη σε χθεσινό 2-0 επί της Τίγκρε. Αμφότερα τα γκολ πέτυχε ο Ροντρίγκο Μόρα, στο 34ο και στο 48ο λεπτό, ενώ στο 87ο οι φιλοξενούμενοι έμειναν με δέκα παίκτες, καθώς ο Μαρτίν Γκαλμαρίνι αντίκρισε Read more [...]

Russland sucht intensiv nach alternativen Lebensmittel-Lieferanten

Seit der Importsperre sucht Moskau intensiv nach alternativen Lieferanten von Nahrungsmitteln. Der heimische Markt vermag die entstandene Lücke nicht zu schliessen und die Lebensmittelpreise explodieren. Bei seinem Besuch in der Mongolei stellte Präsident Wladimir Putin dem Land die Aufhebung der Importbeschränkungen von Fleisch in Aussicht, das vor längerem aus veterinären Gründen verhängt worden war, wie schreibt. Auch anderen Ländern wie Brasilien, Argentinien oder Read more [...]

Injuries squeeze Wallabies squad

Australia winger Adam Ashley-Cooper and No8 Wycliff Palu will miss the Wallabies' Rugby Championship clash against Argentina on the Gold Coast on Saturday due to injuries. Ashley-Cooper has been ruled out for a week with an ongoing nerve compression injury to his neck, which was exacerbated in the tight win over South Africa in Perth at the weekend.Palu suffered a head knock at the weekend and will follow concussion protocols ahead of his return to play."It's disappointing Read more [...]