Argentina terminó 12º en Macedonia

La primera parte no fue sencilla para Argentina que, si bien en el comienzo se mostró bien tanto en defensa como en ataque, con el correr de los minutos fue perdiendo claridad sobre todo en el posicional, en donde le costó progresar ante una defensa portuguesa bien abierta. Y además, cuando lo hacía y encontraba espacios, los postes y el travesaño le daba la espalda a los lanzamientos argentinos. Portugal no dejó Read more [...]

Argentina terminó 12º en Macedonia

La primera parte no fue sencilla para Argentina que, si bien en el comienzo se mostró bien tanto en defensa como en ataque, con el correr de los minutos fue perdiendo claridad sobre todo en el posicional, en donde le costó progresar ante una defensa portuguesa bien abierta. Y además, cuando lo hacía y encontraba espacios, los postes y el travesaño le daba la espalda a los lanzamientos argentinos. Portugal no dejó Read more [...]

US judge orders new talks on Argentina debt dispute

NEW YORK - The US judge presiding over Argentina’s bitter dispute with two hedge funds left the country stranded in default Friday, ordering it to hold new negotiations and calling for an end to “mistrust.”Despite fighting tooth-and-nail, Buenos Aires has been unable to find a way around District Judge Thomas Griesa’s ruling in favor of the hedge funds, which has blocked it from making payments to other creditors who agreed to take a 70 per cent write-down after the country’s 2001 economic Read more [...]

US judge orders new talks on Argentina debt dispute

NEW YORK - The US judge presiding over Argentina’s bitter dispute with two hedge funds left the country stranded in default Friday, ordering it to hold new negotiations and calling for an end to “mistrust.”Despite fighting tooth-and-nail, Buenos Aires has been unable to find a way around District Judge Thomas Griesa’s ruling in favor of the hedge funds, which has blocked it from making payments to other creditors who agreed to take a 70 per cent write-down after the country’s 2001 economic Read more [...]

Commodity markets mostly fall

LONDON - Commodities mostly sank this week, with many hit by sliding equities, demand concerns, ample supplies, geopolitical worries in the Middle East and Ukraine and Argentina’s default, dealers said.Star performers coffee and cocoa, however, forged significant peaks on frenzied speculative buying interest, they added. Heading into the weekend, traders digested Friday’s tepid non-farm payrolls data in the United States, the world’s largest economy and a major consumer of most raw materials.- Read more [...]

Commodity markets mostly fall

LONDON - Commodities mostly sank this week, with many hit by sliding equities, demand concerns, ample supplies, geopolitical worries in the Middle East and Ukraine and Argentina’s default, dealers said.Star performers coffee and cocoa, however, forged significant peaks on frenzied speculative buying interest, they added. Heading into the weekend, traders digested Friday’s tepid non-farm payrolls data in the United States, the world’s largest economy and a major consumer of most raw materials.- Read more [...]

From Bad Earnings to Argentina’s Default: “Watching the Narratives”

From Bad Earnings to Argentina’s Default: “Watching the Narratives” by Salient Partners You think you’re alone until you realize you’re in it. Now fear is here to stay. Love is here for a visit. – Elvis Costello, “Watching the Detectives” A quick email to follow up on yesterday’s market debacle. The question, of course, is whether this was simply a blip – yet another one-day BTFD opportunity – or the start of something bigger and worse. The answer, I think, depends Read more [...]


  阿根廷似乎能夠暫且避免債務違約,這令質疑者們困惑不解。7月30日,阿根廷股市飆漲7%,因為市場相信阿根廷和拒不讓步的債權人會在最後一刻達成協議從而避免違約。債權人希望拿回該國在2001年債務違約事件中拖欠他們的錢。不過在股市開盤幾小時後,那7%的漲幅預計會蒸發不見,並且可能隨之出現下挫。   背景:受2001年違約事件影響的大多數投資者都簽署了一個減值約70%的債務重組方案,但以埃利奧特資本(Elliott Read more [...]

Brasileiros da NBA reconquistam torcida e vencem teste contra …

A seleção brasileira não poderia ter escolhido um teste melhor em sua preparação para o Mundial de basquete. Algoz do Brasil nos últimos anos, a Argentina trouxe à quadra a rivalidade, a catimba e protagonizou mais um jogo nervoso contra seu maior rival. Desta vez, porém, os comandados do técnico Rubén Magnano levaram a melhor: 68 a 59, neste sábado (02), diante de um ótimo público no ginásio do Maracanãzinho. A partida também serviu para reatar os laços entre a Read more [...]