Argentina går til rettssak mot USA

Argentina har torsdag levert inn en søksmål mot USA til den internasjonale domstolen i Haag i Nederland.Det fremkommer i en pressemelding fra domstolen.Bakgrunnen for søksmålet er beslutninger i det amerikanske rettsvesenet knyttet til restruktureringen av den argentinske statsgjelden.Argentina misligholdt i månedsskiftet juli/august rentebetaling på et statslån fordi midlene var frosset som følge av en rettslig kjennelse i USA.Midlene ble frosset fordi enkelte investorer Read more [...]

Israel ruled out as venue for Davis Cup match against Argentina due to Gaza crisis

LONDON –  Israel's Davis Cup match against Argentina next month is being moved out of the country because of the conflict in Gaza. The Sept. 12-14 World Group playoff will not go ahead as scheduled in Tel Aviv "due to concerns arising from the military conflict between Israel and Hamas," the International Tennis Federation said Thursday.ADVERTISEMENTADVERTISEMENT The ITF said the match will be moved to a neutral venue outside Israel or to Argentina. Read more [...]

Бывший тренер «Барселоны» воссоединится с Месси в сборной Аргентины

afp Херардо Мартино, в прошлом сезоне возглавлявший «Барселону», в ближайшее время может быть назначен главным тренером сборной Аргентины. Напомним, что прежний наставник «альбиселесте» Алехандро Read more [...]

How Barack Obama could end the Argentina debt crisis

The "vulture" financier now threatening to devour Argentina can be stopped dead by a simple note to the courts from Barack Obama. But the president, while officially supporting Argentina, has not done this one thing that could save Buenos Aires from default.Obama could prevent vulture hedge-fund billionaire Paul Singer from collecting a single penny from Argentina by invoking the long-established authority granted presidents by the US constitution's "Separation of Powers" clause. Under the Read more [...]

How Barack Obama could end the Argentina debt crisis

The "vulture" financier now threatening to devour Argentina can be stopped dead by a simple note to the courts from Barack Obama. But the president, while officially supporting Argentina, has not done this one thing that could save Buenos Aires from default.Obama could prevent vulture hedge-fund billionaire Paul Singer from collecting a single penny from Argentina by invoking the long-established authority granted presidents by the US constitution's "Separation of Powers" clause. Under the Read more [...]

How Barack Obama could end the Argentina debt crisis

The "vulture" financier now threatening to devour Argentina can be stopped dead by a simple note to the courts from Barack Obama. But the president, while officially supporting Argentina, has not done this one thing that could save Buenos Aires from default.Obama could prevent vulture hedge-fund billionaire Paul Singer from collecting a single penny from Argentina by invoking the long-established authority granted presidents by the US constitution's "Separation of Powers" clause. Under the Read more [...]

Argentina acogerá en septiembre Jornada del Cine Ruso

Una jornada del cine ruso se desarrollará en la capital argentina del 18 al 24 de septiembre, anunciaron el miércoles en rueda de prensa los organizadores del evento. El director general de los estudios cinematográficos rusos Mosfilm, Karen Shajnazárov, llegará a Buenos Aires para celebrar encuentros con cineastas y el público argentino. También se espera que firme un convenio marco cobre la cooperación con la asociación Directores Argentinos Cinematográficos, DAC. Al asistir a esta rueda Read more [...]

Maradona: Dlaczego miałbym znowu nie zostać selekcjonerem …

Pomimo tego, że Diego Maradona pracuje obecnie w Dubaju, znalazł kilka dni na urlop w ojczyźnie, gdzie nawet na krok nie opuszczały go media. Były piłkarz udzielił wywiadu argentyńskiemu dziennikowi Olé, w którym - jak to Diego - nie powstrzymywał się przed wypowiedzeniem dość kontrowersyjnych opinii na temat nowego selekcjonera reprezentacji Argentyny i jej występu na mundialu.- Obecnie reprezentacja nie ma trenera. Jestem obecnie w Dubaju i nie mam zamiaru przed nikim klękać, Read more [...]

Israeli company may help Argentina to escape huge hedge fund debts

Text size Comments (0) Black Cube, a business intelligence startup owned by Israelis, is negotiating with the government of Argentina for the hiring of its services. Argentina wants Black Cube to collect intelligence on the U.S. hedge fund Elliott Management, which has taken Argentina to court in New York to force it to pay up on bonds the Read more [...]

Israeli company may help Argentina to escape huge hedge fund debts

Text size Comments (0) Black Cube, a business intelligence startup owned by Israelis, is negotiating with the government of Argentina for the hiring of its services. Argentina wants Black Cube to collect intelligence on the U.S. hedge fund Elliott Management, which has taken Argentina to court in New York to force it to pay up on bonds the Read more [...]