L’Irlande s’impose en Argentine

 Accueil     Envoyer     Imprimer     Augmenter     Diminuer L’Irlande a remporté son test-match en Argentine (17-29), ce samedi, décrochant son deuxième succès sur la terre des Pumas après la victoire étriquée de 1952 (0-6). Henry (34e), Sexton (42e) et  Trimble (57e) ont franchi l’en-but adverse alors que l’Argentine s’est contentée des essais inscrits par Montero (30e) et De La Vega (78e). L’Irlande est la seule Read more [...]

Amical: L’Argentine ne force pas contre la Slovénie

 Accueil     Envoyer     Imprimer     Augmenter     Diminuer Pour son dernier match de préparation pour la Coupe du monde 2014, l’Argentine a pris le meilleur sur la Slovénie (2-0), samedi soir. Ricky Alvarez (11e) et Lionel Messi (75e), entré en jeu quelques minutes plus tôt, ont permis à l’Albiceleste de faire le plein de confiance à quelques jours de ses débuts dans la compétition, contre la Bosnie-Herzégovine le 15 Read more [...]

Calciomercato Fiorentina: Compper e Lazzari vicini al Verona …

12 ore fa 15:15    Benito Letizia Asse di mercato tra Fiorentina e Verona. Infatti, secondo Sky Sport, i due club sarebbero vicinissimi a chiudere una doppia operazione, che vedrà il passaggio in gialloblù di Andrea Lazzarri e Marvin Compper. Ancora da capire la formula di trasferimento, ma mancano ormai solo i dettagli. Read more [...]

Joe Schmidt right to cast net wide to bring on board players such as Ah You and …

Something sucks about IRB Regulation 8. Governing international eligibility, it stipulates a player may represent a country in three ways, namely by dint of birth, lineage through a parent or grandparent, and residency for a minimum of three years. The second route has been abused in the past but latterly the three-year ruling has been freely tapped into as a form of a delayed international “signing” from abroad and, like it or loath it, Irish rugby is now merrily leading the charge.This has Read more [...]

Argentina’s soybean king thrives in tough times

At the World Entrepreneur of the Year conference in Monte Carlo, Post columnist Rick Spence has made a point of interviewing Entrepreneur of the Year winners from South America to help Canadian business owners understand more about the challenges and opportunities in our own hemisphere. In this article, he explores the story of Gerardo Bartolomé, the soybean king of Argentina. Gerardo Bartolomé has two missions in life. Officially, he wants to help farmers produce more, to feed a hungry world. Read more [...]

When Pak hockey artistry helped Argentina win

Since 1978, football and hockey World Cups have been staged in the same year. No need telling that the soccer event receives far more coverage and attention being the world’s most popular sport. In fact, after the Olympics, FIFA World Cup is the most widely seen sports event. The Hockey World Cup is already underway with the final scheduled on the 15th of June. The Football World Cup will begin before the conclusion of the hockey event, on the 12th. Whether there Read more [...]

Higuain: ”Napoli è come l’Argentina ed io mi trovo molto a mio agio”

17 ore fa 10:10    Vincenzo Vitiello Gonzalo Higuain, attaccante del Napoli e della nazionale argentina, ha rilasciato alcune dichiarazioni ai microfoni di ‘El Pais’ durante il ritiro pre-mondiale. Ecco quanto detto dal Pipita: “Com’è vivere a Napoli ? Mi trovo molto a mio agio lì perchè assomiglia molto all’ Read more [...]

Lionel Messi, henüz 26 yaşında heykelinin dikilmesi onuruna erişti

Süper bücürün hemen yanında ise Maradona ve Batistuta bulunuyorBarcelona’nın Arjantinli yıldızı Lionel Messi de heykeli olan futbolcular arasına dahil oldu. 26 yaşındaki futbolcu için ülkesinde yapılan heykelin açılışı gerçekleştirildi.Arjantin’in başkenti Buenos Aires’te bir parkta açılışı yapılan heykel, futbolseverlerin beğenisine sunuldu. Heykelin dikildiği parkta ayrıca Arjantin’in efsane isimleri Diego Armando Maradona ve Gabriel Batistuta’nın da heykelleri Read more [...]

Messi auf "Kurzarbeit" gesetzt: Glanzloses Argentinien schafft Sieg – n

Sport Lange steht Lionel Messi nicht auf dem Platz. Für ein Tor reicht es aber dennoch.(Foto: AP) Eine insgesamt gelungene Generalprobe verzeichnet WM-Mitfavorit Argentinien. Allerdings haben die Südamerikaner gegen Slowenien kein leichtes Spiel. Knappe Siege verzeichnen Kamerun (gegen Moldau) und Belgien (gegen Tunesien). Die Fußball-Nationalmannschaften Argentiniens, Kameruns und Belgiens haben ihre Generalproben für das am 12. Juni beginnenden Read more [...]