S&P Rates Chile Wood Producer Masisa BB

SAO PAULO -- Standard Poor's Ratings Services assigned its 'BB-' ratings to Masisa S.A. and to its $300 million 9.5% coupon bond, issued on April 28, 2014. The outlook is stable.SP says the ratings reflect the company's "fair" business risk profile and "aggressive" financial risk profile, as our criteria define these terms.The company's business risk profile incorporates its exposure to Argentina (Unsolicited Ratings, CCC+/Negative/C) and Venezuela (B-/Negative/B)."Operations in these two countries Read more [...]

S&P Rates Chile Wood Producer Masisa BB

SAO PAULO -- Standard Poor's Ratings Services assigned its 'BB-' ratings to Masisa S.A. and to its $300 million 9.5% coupon bond, issued on April 28, 2014. The outlook is stable.SP says the ratings reflect the company's "fair" business risk profile and "aggressive" financial risk profile, as our criteria define these terms.The company's business risk profile incorporates its exposure to Argentina (Unsolicited Ratings, CCC+/Negative/C) and Venezuela (B-/Negative/B)."Operations in these two countries Read more [...]

WM-Premiere für Bosnien-Herzegowina – General

"Wir haben das erste Spiel in Rio im Finalstadion! Da haben wir nicht viel zu verlieren, da ist Argentinien hoher Favorit." Allein mit der Reise nach Südamerika ist das von zahlreichen aktuellen und ehemaligen Bundesligaprofis gespickte Team aber nicht zufrieden. "Wenn wir schon die Chance haben, eine WM zu spielen, dann wollen wir auch so weit Read more [...]

WM-Premiere für Bosnien-Herzegowina – General

"Wir haben das erste Spiel in Rio im Finalstadion! Da haben wir nicht viel zu verlieren, da ist Argentinien hoher Favorit." Allein mit der Reise nach Südamerika ist das von zahlreichen aktuellen und ehemaligen Bundesligaprofis gespickte Team aber nicht zufrieden. "Wenn wir schon die Chance haben, eine WM zu spielen, dann wollen wir auch so weit Read more [...]

WM-Premiere für Bosnien-Herzegowina – General

"Wir haben das erste Spiel in Rio im Finalstadion! Da haben wir nicht viel zu verlieren, da ist Argentinien hoher Favorit." Allein mit der Reise nach Südamerika ist das von zahlreichen aktuellen und ehemaligen Bundesligaprofis gespickte Team aber nicht zufrieden. "Wenn wir schon die Chance haben, eine WM zu spielen, dann wollen wir auch so weit Read more [...]

Meet Mr. Titanosaur, the biggest dinosaur to roam the planet

In a news release on Monday, Argentina's Museo Paleontologico Egidio Feruglio announced that in 2011, farmers discovered a "dinosaur cemetery" in a remote region of Argentina's Patagonia some 160 miles from the city of Trelew. The site contained 200 fossils, and in particular, the fossilized remains of perhaps, the largest dinosaur to ever roam the earth.More Photos The plant-eating creatures, dubbed Titanosaurs, were about130 feet long and weighed in at Read more [...]

Meet Mr. Titanosaur, the biggest dinosaur to roam the planet

In a news release on Monday, Argentina's Museo Paleontologico Egidio Feruglio announced that in 2011, farmers discovered a "dinosaur cemetery" in a remote region of Argentina's Patagonia some 160 miles from the city of Trelew. The site contained 200 fossils, and in particular, the fossilized remains of perhaps, the largest dinosaur to ever roam the earth.More Photos The plant-eating creatures, dubbed Titanosaurs, were about130 feet long and weighed in at Read more [...]

Meet Mr. Titanosaur, the biggest dinosaur to roam the planet

In a news release on Monday, Argentina's Museo Paleontologico Egidio Feruglio announced that in 2011, farmers discovered a "dinosaur cemetery" in a remote region of Argentina's Patagonia some 160 miles from the city of Trelew. The site contained 200 fossils, and in particular, the fossilized remains of perhaps, the largest dinosaur to ever roam the earth.More Photos The plant-eating creatures, dubbed Titanosaurs, were about130 feet long and weighed in at Read more [...]

Apalavrado, Palmeiras espera assinatura de Gareca nesta quarta

Ricardo Gareca tem tudo para ser o novo técnico do Palmeiras. O argentino está apalavrado com a diretoria e é esperado em São Paulo nesta quarta pela manhã para resolver os últimos detalhes da negociação e assinar.O Racing (ARG), que também havia se animado após o primeiro contato com o treinador, ficou para trás e já começa a estudar outras opções. O Verdão ofereceu vencimentos parecidos com os que Gilson Kleina recebia - e continuará recebendo por três meses se não acertar com Read more [...]

Apalavrado, Palmeiras espera assinatura de Gareca nesta quarta

Ricardo Gareca tem tudo para ser o novo técnico do Palmeiras. O argentino está apalavrado com a diretoria e é esperado em São Paulo nesta quarta pela manhã para resolver os últimos detalhes da negociação e assinar.O Racing (ARG), que também havia se animado após o primeiro contato com o treinador, ficou para trás e já começa a estudar outras opções. O Verdão ofereceu vencimentos parecidos com os que Gilson Kleina recebia - e continuará recebendo por três meses se não acertar com Read more [...]