Azerbaijan, Paraguay eye deepening co-op

Azerbaijan and Paraguay discussed cooperation between the two countries in the political, economic, trade and humanitarian fields. Azerbaijani Ambassador to Argentina with concurrent accreditation to Paraguay Mammad Ahmadzade has met Foreign Minister of Paraguay Eladio Loizaga, AzerTag State News Agency reported. The sides stressed the importance of expanding a legal framework of the cooperation, and organizing reciprocal visits. Ahmadzade highlighted Azerbaijan`s role in regional Read more [...]


  原標題:南美開展“開發城市礦藏”運動 電子垃圾裏淘“黃金”   國際線上報道(記者 白雲怡):當你知道諸如阿根廷等一些南美國家一年要把200多公斤的金子,1750公斤銀和81000公斤銅扔進垃圾箱時,你會不會覺得匪夷所思?據國際性非政府組織綠色和平的一份報告稱,阿根廷每年有1000萬部廢棄手機得不到回收,僅這一項造成的貴金屬浪費就有如上數字那麼多,而這些得不到回收的手機還在逐漸分解出有毒物質,污染土地、空氣和水源。這份報告引發了許多人的重視,也在南美洲推動了一個被稱為“開發城市礦藏”的運動。   事實上,在歐洲、日本甚至南韓,類似的“開發城市礦藏”的運動已經發展得非常好,這不僅節約了可觀的財富和資源,還創造了大量的工作崗位。而在南美洲,它才剛剛起步。 Read more [...]

Omeruo Targets World Cup Semis

Chelsea defender Kenneth Omeruo has predicted Nigeria will reach the semi-finals of the World Cup in Brazil. Omeruo also said Nigeria have what it takes to brush aside Argentina in the first round of the tournament. "I'm hoping we'll get to the final," Omeruo responded confidently when asked how far his side would go. "But I think at least the semi-finals." The former Sunshine Stars defender, who was handed a big role at age 19 at the AFCON 2013 where he was key to Eagles victory, said the experience Read more [...]

Today in History – 23rd of May

Friday May 23, 2014 the 142nd day and 20th week of 2014, there are 223 days and 32 weeks left in the year.  Highlights of today in world history...           1900 Forgotten Civil War hero honoured Sergeant William Harvey Carney was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honour for his bravery on July 18, 1863, while fighting for the Union cause as a member of the 54th Massachusetts Colour Infantry. He was the first African American to receive the Medal of Honour, which is the nation's highest Read more [...]

L’Argentine est entrée en récession

Lire aussi Le peso argentin dévalué de 14% en seulement deux jours Par La rédaction de Mediapart Le rêve argentin tourne mal... une fois de plus Par Philippe Riès La troisième économie d'Amérique latine est entrée en récession, après deux trimestres consécutifs de baisse du PIB : –0,4% eu dernier trimestre 2013 et –1,5% au premier trimestre 2014, malgré la dévaluation du peso en janvier. La production industrielle est en baisse et le secteur automobile Read more [...]

메시 "월드컵 우승 약속"

 매년 FC 바르셀로나에서는 펄펄 날지만, 4년 마다 돌아오는 월드컵에서는 별 활약을 펼치지 못하는 '280억원의 사나이' 리오넬 메시(27)가 이번 브라질 월드컵을 앞두고 "우승컵을 가져오겠다"며 '칼'을 갈고 있다.22일(현지시간) 브라질 뉴스포털 UOL에 따르면 메시는 이날 오전 아르헨티나 수도 부에노스아이레스에서 298㎞ 떨어진 고향 로사리오 시내 한 음식점에서 가족들과 아침식사를 Read more [...]

Procès en Argentine: le principal accusé avoue le viol d’une des …

Gustavo Lasi, principal mis en cause dans le procès visant à élucider le meurtre de deux Françaises en Argentine en 2011, a avoué mercredi qu'il avait violé l'une d'elles mais a continué de nier les meurtres.Interrogé pendant plusieurs heures par le tribunal de Salta (nord-ouest de l'Argentine), ce guide de tourisme occasionnel a livré un témoignage qui n'a pas apporté les éclaircissements espérés. Malgré l'audition de près de 200 témoins, le double crime n'a pas été élucidé.Gustavo Read more [...]

Mancini’nin gözdesi ayrılığın eşiğinde!

38 yıl aradan sonra Süper Lig arenasına yükselen Balıkesirspor, PTT 1. Lig'de şampiyon olan takımı büyük ölçüde revize etmek zorunda. Bu durumun farkında olan Kırmızı-Beyazlılar'ın başkanı Tuna Aktürk, işi sıkı tutuyor. Bir dizi transfer görüşmesi yapmak için Arjantin'e çıkarma yapan Balkes'in başkanı dün geri döndü. Yönetimle durum değerlendirmesi yapan Aktürk, hoca konusunu çözdükten sonra düşünülen isimlerle görüşmelere başlayacak.Ege temsilcisi Read more [...]


梅西給球迷的簽名,上面寫道:我發誓(給你們)帶來一座(獎盃)   世界上最好的球員梅西正在阿根廷羅薩裏奧享受幾天難得的清閒時光。在自己的老家,梅西可以無拘無束地生活,而當地的球迷對他也十分尊重,看到他都會向他致敬。   當地時間上午10點,梅西和女友安東內拉帶著兒子蒂亞戈來到VIP酒吧,一家三口在酒吧待了一個小時。據悉這家酒吧是梅西家人開的,位置是在旗幟紀念碑前的一條大街上。和往常一樣,梅西的生活簡單隨意,他和自己的兒子玩小紙牌,和安東內拉親密交談著。很快咖啡、橙汁、牛角麵包等飲品和食物上來,梅西一家吃的津津有味。 Read more [...]