Argentine: l’ours polaire Arturo, déprimé et las de la canicule

Buenos Aires (AFP) - Arturo, le vieil ours polaire du zoo de Mendoza, en Argentine, est déprimé depuis la mort de sa compagne et épuisé par la canicule estivale dans cette région semi-aride au pied des Andes, où il attend un éventuel visa pour le Canada. Vendredi, des vétérinaires canadien, chilien et argentin doivent se rendre au chevet du plantigrade de 29 ans pour déterminer s'il est apte à faire le long voyage en avion vers le Canada, car un zoo de Winnipeg propose de l'adopter. A Read more [...]

Latynoski karnawał w fotoplastikonie. Nowa wystawa

Na wystaw zatytuowan "W poszukiwaniu Sierra de la Plata. Argentyna i Urugwaj 1900-1910" skada si 48 niezwykych fotografii. S jednymi z najstarszych zdj w kolekcji fotoplastikonu. Nie wiadomo, czy kiedykolwiek udostpniano je publicznoci. - Naleay do dawnej wacicielki tego urzdzenia i chyba nigdy nie byy pokazywane - mwi Lena Dbkowska-Cichocka, kierownik fotoplastikonu, ktrego wacicielem jest dzi Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego. - Poniewa jest rodek zimy, postanowilimy zaprezentowa zdjcia Read more [...]


阿根廷央行出手限制商業銀行持有的外匯數量,激勵披索5日創下近五年多來最大單日漲幅,6日繼續升值。 阿國央行4日宣布,國內銀行持有外匯占總資產比率不得超過三成,且必須在4月30日前將外匯期貨占總資產比率減至10%以下。披索兌美元5日收盤漲1.34%至7.9披索兌1美元。3個月期的境內無本金交割遠匯(NDF)收盤大漲5.1% ,寫下2008年12月以來最大單日漲幅。披索6日續升0.2%至7.88披索。 自1月底驟貶15%以來,披索兌美元持續在8披索兌1美元的價位徘徊。阿國政府正試圖勸說農民輸出囤積的大豆換取美元,以扭轉外匯存底跌至近七年來低點的頹勢。 Capital Read more [...]


(AFP) – 9 hours ago  (法新社布宜諾斯艾利斯5日電) 阿根廷官員表示,首都布宜諾斯艾利斯1座倉儲失火,在消防員救火時,倉儲磚牆應聲倒下,造成至少9名消防員與救難人員身亡與8人受傷。當消防員使用電鋸鋸開倉庫的大鐵門時,磚牆瞬間坍塌。這座倉庫管理儲存銀行檔案資料。當局表示,死者包括聯邦警消單位6名成員、1名義消以及阿根廷民防單位2名成員。阿根廷安全處處長柏尼(Sergio Read more [...]

Lonely at the bottom?

Others in trouble but CFK only has herself to blameReferences galore to mega-crises of the past (the 2001-2 meltdown, the 1989 hyperinflation and the demonized decade which followed, the “Rodrigazo” of 1975) — both by a government anxious to shine by comparison and by an opposition which sees the next addition to that list as being just around the corner. And no shortage of thinking ahead to the 2015 presidential elections and beyond either. But nobody seems to have any road map to offer for Read more [...]

Frontier Markets: Argentina May Be Bad Example For Investors

But recent troubles in Argentina, once a common example of a promising frontier market, may make frontier market specialists rethink their strategies. “Argentina typifies the risks that loom for investors in frontier markets. There has been a growing perception the last few years that frontier markets are 'guaranteed winners.' Nothing could be further from the truth,” wrote frontier markets expert and former Citigroup equity director Allan Dwyer in an email to IBTimes. “This is a very risky Read more [...]

McDonald’s i Argentina har gått tom for ketchup

Horder av argentinere har merket seg mangelen på ketchup. Det er ikke bare én eller et par restauranter som mangler sausen, men minst 200, skriver nettavisen Quartz.Og argentinerne lar høre fra seg i sosiale medier. Så mye at McDonald's nå har gått ut med en melding der de beklager.- Ketchup-mangelen ved våre restauranter er midlertidig, og vi håper å løse problemet så raskt som mulig. Vi henter inn andre sauser som skal erstatte Read more [...]

Argentina’s Galarza set for Gloucester

Argentine lock Mariano Galarza is switching to Gloucester at the end of the season after a brief spell with Worcester.The 27-year-old forward, capped 18 times for the Pumas, linked up with the Warriors this season after representing Argentina in the Rugby Championship.At 6ft 8in and weighing in at 115kg, Galarza will provide Gloucester with additional second row options."We're delighted to have secured Read more [...]

В 2013 году Аргентина нарастила переработку сои. – (пресс

СПЕЦИАЛЬНАЯ АКЦИЯ!!! При оформлении до конца декабря подписки на обзор Инвестиционные проекты в промышленном строительстве РФ Вы получаете доступ к базе из 1 000 проектов со скидкой 50%!!! Инвестиционные проекты в промышленном строительстве РФ Структура обзора Read more [...]