Αποχωρεί από τη Βραζιλία ο Σκόκο

Στην Αργεντινή ετοιμάζεται να επιστρέψει ο Νάτσο Σκόκο, μετά το πέρασμά του από την Ιντερνασιονάλ. Ο Αργεντινός μεσοεπιθετικός δεν έχει μείνει ικανοποιημένος με την έως τώρα παραμονή του στη Βραζιλία και για αυτό τον λόγο σκέφτεται σοβαρά το ενδεχόμενο Read more [...]

Δεκάδες τραυματίες από επίθεση πιράνχας στο Ροσάριο της …

Σε έναν αληθινό εφιάλτη μετατράπηκαν οι καλοκαιρινές διακοπές στην Αργεντινή, για δεκάδες λουόμενους, οι οποίοι επέλεξαν να δροσιστούν στα νερά του ποταμού Παρανά, στο Ροσάριο. Πιράνχας πραγματοποίησαν μαζική επίθεση, με αποτέλεσμα να τραυματιστούν 60 άτομα. Οπως μεταδίδουν Read more [...]

Argentina to see bumper harvest: report

BUENOS AIRES, Dec. 26 -- Argentina's crop harvest is set to increase by 4.1 percent in the 2013-2014 farming season, a private-sector report said Thursday. The report, released by the consulting firm Sectors Economic Research,forecast a harvest of "103.9 million tons, an increase of 4.1 percent compared to the previous season." November rains "reverted the water deficit that was delaying the sowing" and thus improved the expected harvest, it said. The report added that agricultural products Read more [...]

60 hurt in Argentina piranha Christmas Day attack

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina – Piranhas on a Christmas Day feeding frenzy injured some 60 people in the Argentine city of Rosario, officials said Thursday, December 26. Those injured in the attack Wednesday by the ferocious fish included a girl who lost part of a finger, Health Undersecretary Gabriela Quintanilla told reporters. Quintanilla said the attack occurred Wednesday off the coast of Rosario, some 310 kilometers (200 miles) north of Buenos Aires. A medical official, Gustavo Centurion, said Read more [...]

Carnivorous fish bite about 70 in Argentina

PARANA RIVER, Argentina (CANAL 9/CNN) - It was a scary Christmas Day for some in Argentina Wednesday. A swarm of carnivorous fish attacked a large group of people swimming in the Parana River near the city of Rosario. The state-run media described the fish as a relative of the piranha. About 70 people were hurt, including a 7-year-old girl who lost part of a pinky finger. It's currently summer in Argentina, and this area of the river is a popular swimming spot. Wildlife officials said similar attacks Read more [...]

Cá ăn thịt cắn bị thương 70 du khách

Theo một quan chức y tế hôm 25-12, đàn cá đã “ra răng” khi hàng ngàn người đang tắm trên con sông nổi tiếng Parana – dài thứ hai ở Nam Mỹ sau sông Amazon - bên ngoài thành phố cảng Rosario. Nhiều nạn nhân bị cá cắn mất ngón chân phải nhập viện. Một bé gái 7 tuổi phải phẫu thuật cắt bỏ một phần ngón tay và bị hàng chục vết cắn ở chân.   Một người bị cá cắn mất một phần ngón chân. Read more [...]


阿根廷民眾在耶誕節戲水卻慘遭食人魚攻擊,一名受傷少年在救護站接受治療。歐新社 南半球目前正值盛夏,阿根廷部分地區25日氣溫高達攝氏38 度,羅薩利奧市民眾到河裡戲水,不料遭食人魚攻擊,約70人受傷,幾名兒童甚至整根食指被咬斷。 衛生部次長金達尼亞表示,食人魚攻擊事件發生在羅薩利奧的巴拉納河河岸邊,當地位在首都布宜諾斯艾利斯北方約310公里。有些人一開始還以為自己被鯊魚咬。食人魚咬人後,大家上岸躲避,但天氣實在太熱,有些人半小時後又下水。 由於酷熱難耐,數以千計民眾25日上午到巴拉納河戲水消暑。官員表示,異常高溫顯然也促使食人魚聚集在水面。阿根廷公共電視台報導指出,這些魚牙齒尖利,性情凶猛。 路透報導,醫師說,遭攻擊的傷者中,有個7歲女孩一根手指被啃掉一部分,不少傷者的傷口也很深。美聯社的報導說,有多達七個孩童被咬掉部分手指或腳趾。 醫師表示,食人魚咬傷人的事件偶有所聞,但這次受傷人數這麼多,「不太正常」。 Read more [...]