Inter, dall’Inghilterra: il West Ham punta Milito già per gennaio

Diego Milito, attaccante dell'Inter, lascerà quasi sicuramente i nerazzurri a fine stagione. Per quanto sembri vicinissimo il ritorno in Argentina, sponda Racing Avellaneda, dall'Inghilterra sono convinti che possa esserci una possibilità che l'argentino si accasi in Premier League. Secondo Caughtoffside, infatti, su di lui ci sarebbe il West Ham, che lo Read more [...]

Coupe du monde – Messi : «Il n’y a pas d’équipe facile»

Sur son compte Weibo, le quadruple Ballon d’Or Lionel Messi a réagi au tirage au sort de la Coupe du monde qui a désigné la Bosnie, l’Iran et le Nigeria pour affronter l’Argentine en phase de poules.   Vendredi avait lieu à Costa do Sauipe au Brésil le tirage au sort des groupes de la Coupe du monde 2014. Favori du groupe F, l’Argentine devra affronter tour à tour la Bosnie, l’Iran et le Nigeria pour espérer se qualifier pour les huitièmes de finale. Un groupe à la Read more [...]

Galt’s Gulch Chile Announces Partnership With Bitcoinschile

Related:Press Release, News Santiago, Chile FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Galt's Gulch Chile has partnered with to become the leading supplier and exchange for Bitcoin in Chile. The move follows GGC's November 13 announcement that it would accept Bitcoin for real estate sales, adding yet another product available for purchase with the popular cryptocurrency. GGC is currently accepting Bitcoin at 20% above the spot price for select residential lots with the self-sustaining libertarian Read more [...]

Iran-Argentina match to be ‘interesting event’, says Queiroz

Source: ISNA Iran's Portuguese head coach Carlos Queiroz described Iran's match with Argentina in the World Cup 2014 as 'interesting event', as stressing that the national Iranian football team should prepare for the matches. "We should make ourselves prepared for the World Cup. We are facing a tough job, but we have great ambitions," he said. Carlos Queiroz Queiroz said Iran's grouping with Argentina, Nigeria and Bosnia and Herzegovina is an 'honor' for Iranian football, calling it a chance Read more [...]

Queiroz: Nigeria are playing well

Queroiz stated that Nigeria are a good team, but was quick to warn that it would be wrong for anyone to write his team off.

"Nigeria are playing very well at the moment," Queroiz said after Friday's draw.

"Playing in the World Cup is an opportunity for every participating team, and based on this, it will be wrong for anybody to write off any team."

The other teams that make up Group F are Argentina and Bosnia-Herzogovinia.

Une phase finale de rêve… ou pas

Brésil - Espagne : la finale en huitième de finale Le topo: Si l'un des deux entre le Brésil et l'Espagne, archi-favoris de leur groupe, devait ne pas terminer premier de leur poule, la guerre des étoiles aurait lieu dès les huitièmes de finale. Revanche de la finale de la Coupe des confédérations, pays organisateur contre tenant du titre, meilleure nation de l'histoire contre l'équipe la plus titrée du moment, Neymar contre le Barça Read more [...]

Yêu vợ bạn, Icardi bị cảnh cáo

Câu chuyện Mauro Icardi “cướp” nàng WAG Wanda Nara từ tay đồng đội cũ Maxi Lopez đã gây chấn động mạnh trong làng giải trí Italia và Argentina. Mauro Icardi vẫn tin người đẹp 3 con Wanda Nara là tình yêu đích thực của đời mình Không những vậy, trong nội bộ Inter Milan, Icardi cũng không nhận được thiện cảm từ chính Chủ tịch Erick Thohir mặc dù được sự “ủng hộ” của các anh em trong phòng Read more [...]


【本報訊】國際足協會長係瑞士人白禮達,歐洲足協主席就係法國人柏天尼,佢兩位大人物嘅祖國被抽中一齊喺E組,同組厄瓜多爾同洪都拉斯實力平平,上上籤咪就係咁解囉,另一種子阿根廷亦超好運,喺F組面對3支二打六同提前出線冇分別。當英格蘭跌入死亡之組嘅同時,E組嘅法國真係笑到唔停得口,同組最強敵人已經係種子隊瑞士,另外厄瓜多爾同埋洪都拉斯不足為患。難怪法國傳媒都以上上籤呢個字眼做頭條,加上白禮達同埋柏天尼嘅國籍問題,法國球王施丹又將意大利抽做「X」,唔少人仲加入埋陰謀論去分析E組,啲劇情真係巧合到你唔信。講到好運,另一支種子隊阿根廷都鴻福齊天,佢哋喺F組嘅最強對手只係非洲冠軍尼日利亞,亞洲球隊伊朗就闊別決賽周多年,連唯一嘅新丁波斯尼亞亦編埋入嚟,擁有球王美斯嘅阿根廷如果做唔到3戰全勝都要打屁股呀!所以該國傳媒老實不客氣表示,阿根廷已經提早入16強喇!  Read more [...]


〔本報訊〕2014世界盃足球賽32強抽籤分組在今(7)日凌晨揭曉,名單一出便造成轟動,地主隊巴西、阿根廷、法國都抽到好籤,評論家預料能輕鬆晉級,但最讓人關注的莫過於本次抽籤竟然產生3組「死亡之組」,尤其是英格蘭、義大利、烏拉圭與哥斯大黎加的D組,這個小組囊括過去7次世足賽冠軍,是這次公認的死亡之組,這個抽籤結果也引發許多球迷不滿。  除了死亡意味最濃厚的D組以外,B組同樣讓球迷提心吊膽,因為上屆世足賽冠亞軍西班牙與荷蘭將正面對決,而擁有多位球星的智利更有可能扮演漁翁角色,第3組「死亡之組」則是本屆實力強大的德國與幾乎確定拿下足球先生的C羅率領的葡萄牙強強對決,再加上同組的迦納與美國同樣實力堅強,讓這次世足從32強小組賽開始,就充滿變數。  這次抽籤結果幾家歡喜幾家愁,英國媒體更直接說:「這次抽籤結果根本是噩夢。」因為有3組死亡之組,導致有部分小組實力懸殊過大,像巴西、阿根廷、法國就被專家預料能輕鬆挺進16強,而亞洲的韓國與日本同樣算抽到好籤,晉級希望很大,網友吐槽:「3組死亡之組,從32強就要我們盯緊電視,世界足總真是太陰險了。」 Read more [...]