Argentina taken 11th position by beating South Africa 4-1 in Hockey Junior …

New Delhi: The African and American Champions were certainly expecting more from this competition, especially Argentina, traditionally doing well at the junior level and widely named amongst the favorites before the start of this 2013 Hero Hockey Junior World Cup.South Africa were faster off the starting blocks and up by one goal within three minutes of play by Matthew Brown on penalty-corner. Argentina recovered from their shaky start and were back on par in the 13th minute thanks to a powerful Read more [...]

Delfino Undergoes Surgery, Could Return This Season – Behind The Bucks Pass

Bucks By Nick Whalen - Dec 14th, 2013 at 11:47 pm Carlos Delfino underwent surgery Saturday to repair a fractured bone in his right foot and will miss at least eight weeks. The surgery took place in his native Argentina at Sanotorio de la Trinidad in Buenos Aires. Delfino, who is yet to play this season, suffered the injury in a first-round playoff game against the Oklahoma City Thunder last season as a member of the Houston Read more [...]

Milonga mit Live-Musik – Wiesbaden – 15.12.2013

10 Jahre Café TangoZum Jubiläum der beliebten Tango-Veranstaltung unter der künstlerischen Leitung von Gabriel Sala wird das internationale Tango-Orchester ‚Silencio‘ aus Buenos Aires zu Gast sein. Unter der Leitung von Roger Helou lädt das Musiker-Sextett ‒ aus Argentinien, Uruguay, USA, Italien, Frankreich, Deutschland – zusammen mit dem argentinischen Sänger Omar Fernandez zum Konzert im Kleinen Haus ein. Bei der anschließenden Milonga im Opernfoyer werden neben den ‚Silencio‘-Musikern Read more [...]

Prefeito de Porto Mauá discute na Argentina questões de fronteira …

O prefeito de Porto Mauá, Guerino Pedro Pisoni, esteve sexta-feira, 13, na capital de Misiones, Posadas, na Argentina, onde participou da jornada internacional de integração do Bloco Regional de Prefeitos do Mercosul (Bripam). Na ocasião, foram tratados diversos assuntos, entre eles a situação das fronteiras nos países membros do Bripam e a ponte internacional Alba Posse/Porto Mauá.


Argentinien-Jamaika-Sport-Leute: Usain Bolt gewinnt 100-Meter-Rennen gegen …

Buenos Aires (AFP) Der jamaikanische Sprintstar Usain Bolt hat in Buenos Aires ein Wettrennen gegen einen Linienbus gewonnen. Bei dem Schaulauf über 100 Meter im Zentrum der argentinischen Hauptstadt wurde der Olympiasieger am Samstag von hunderten Fans gefeiert. Lesen Sie hier mehr zum Thema "Argentinien-Jamaika-Sport-Leute". Read more [...]


ITAR-TASS, 15/12 02:22 CET другие новости… Ямайский спринтер Усейн Болт не будет бежать на Олимпиаде-2016 дистанцию 400 метров БУЭНОС-АЙРЕС, 15 декабря. /ИТАР-ТАСС/. Шестикратный олимпийский чемпион, ямайский спринтер Усейн Read more [...]

중국, 중국교민들의 안전 담보할 것을 아르헨티나측에 요구

최근 아르헨티나 여러 곳에서 떼강도 사건이 발생했는데 중국 교포 한 명이 불행하게 숨졌고 일부 중국교민들이 재산 손실을 입었습니다. 13일 오후 아르헨티나 주재 중국 대사 은항민(殷恒民)이 아르헨티나 외무부 책임자를 만나 중국 교민 집거지역의 안전보호를 강화할 것을 요구했습니다. 이에 앞서 중국 외교부 대변인은 중국정부의 입장을 천명했고 중국 공안부 이위 부부장은 Read more [...]

Usain Bolt beats bus in Buenos Aires street race

Usain Bolt is faster than a bus. The six-time Olympic champion sprinter took to the streets of Buenos Aires, Argentina, in an 80m exhibition race with a bus televised by Argentina TV on Saturday. The race was a bit of a dud (video here). Bolt, in a green top and black shorts in the South American summer, appeared to take it seriously going in. He stretched for several minutes beforehand. He was smiling from a standing start. Very early into the race, he realized the bus had no chance and began Read more [...]