Αργεντινή: Βήμα σωτηρίας για Ραφαέλα (videos)

Λίγες αγωνιστικές πριν από το πέρας της Inicial, η Γοδόι Κρουζ βρέθηκε εντός της ζώνης υποβιβασμού της τριετής κατάταξης, αφού έχασε με 3-1 στην έδρα της Ατλέτικο Ραφαέλα. Βέβαια, με το τέλος του Final καθορίζονται οι τρεις ομάδες, που θα υποβιβαστούν, οπότε υπάρχει ακόμα σημαντικό Read more [...]

Joe Launchbury – England’s next Martin Johnson?

There is nothing remotely wistful about Launchbury’s smile as he discusses his omission. “Graham Rowntree [the red-rose forwards coach and a member of the Lions back-room staff] took me aside one day,” he recalls, “and told me: ‘Believe me, Joe, it will be better for you as a player – and probably as a person – if you miss this one.’ And I’m sure he was right. I’d spent the previous few months on the steepest learning curve I could possibly imagine and after discovering so much Read more [...]

England v Argentina: Pumas look for rapid repairs with Daniel Hourcade

The side Juan Manuel Leguizamon will lead out at Twickenham this afternoon has clocked up close to 35,000 miles in three months, but they are not travel-sick.“To be honest, I really enjoy it,” says Leguizamon, the former London Irish No 8, who captains Argentina in the absence of the injured Juan Martin Fernandez Lobbe. “You’re playing against the best teams in the world. It’s hard sometimes if you have to travel for 100 hours and your head is everywhere. But rugby life is short and we Read more [...]

England v Argentina: No holds barred as Ben Foden is brought in from the cold

It cost him his hard-earned place in the squad for last year's autumn internationals, and in his desperation to reclaim it, he returned to big-time club rugby far more quickly than was good for him. "I played when my ankle was only 70-80 per cent right," he confessed, "and when you do that, people notice. When people notice, you slip down the pecking order. When you're young, you think your bones are made of diamonds and that you won't break. I broke."Having pieced himself back together again – Read more [...]

Weil am Rhein „Vision Erde“: Diaschau über Argentinien – www.verlagshaus

Berlin - Die CSU-Forderung nach einer Pkw-Maut bleibt umstritten. Sie würde der großen Koalition nicht raten, mit Symbolpolitik anzufangen, die keine Umsetzungschance habe, sagte SPD-Generalsekretärin Andrea Nahles "Spiegel Online". Der baden-württembergische CDU-Chef Thomas Strobl sagte der "Frankfurter Allgemeinen Sonntagszeitung", die Maut sei ein Mittel, mehr Geld für Verkehrswege zu bekommen. Wenn dies ohne Maut erreicht werden könne, sei es ihm auch recht. Die CSU fordert eine Vignette Read more [...]

Justin Bieber阿根廷股惑引Fans

  近期是非多多的「加拿大小天王」Justin Bieber前日已到阿根廷繼續舉行他的《Believe Tour巡迴演唱會》,更與女Fans合照,似乎未受召妓的醜聞影響心情。   現年19歲的Justin Bieber日前在巴西遭人拍下在別墅睡覺的短片,更被人放上分享網站,惹來召妓傳聞。而負責拍片的女子Tati Neves已被人起底,其Facebook亦有大量性感的比堅尼照片,身材火辣。而Justin Bieber前日亦已飛赴阿根廷舉行《Believe Read more [...]

Аргентина: скончалась Клелия Луро де Подеста

Новости Аргентина: скончалась Клелия Луро де Подеста Хорошо знавшая кардинала Бергольо, она была уверена, что тот станет Папой Буэнос-Айрес, 8 ноября, Apic/Благовест-инфо. Клелия Луро де Подеста, ключевая фигура движения «Священники – за третий мир», скончалась 4 ноября Read more [...]

České futsalistky si poradily na MS s houževnatým Salvadorem, v …

"Vzhledem k přesunu našeho utkání na dnešní odpoledne jsme měli tu čest odehrát úvodní utkání 2. mistrovství světa ve futsale AMF. Náš tým nastoupil proti neznámému soupeři ze Salvadoru, který ukázal typický středoamerický futsal – velice silnou hru jeden na jednoho a individuální techniku spojenou se silovým pojetím hry. Utkání začalo několi šancemi na obou stranách. Nás v těchto chvílích podržel brankářka Monika Pavlíčková, která často i s přispěním Read more [...]