Norge falt 14 plasser

Egil «Drillo» Olsens utvalgte holder 39.-plassen. Argentina, med seier over Colombia i VM-kvalifiseringen, rykket opp til 2.-plass bak Spania. Til tross for to seirer falt Tyskland ned til tredjeplass. Italia, som også ble klare for VM-sluttspillet neste sommer tirsdag, rykket to plasser opp og er nummer fire. Les også: Lar Drillo fortsette Nederland, som spilte uavgjort mot Estland, slo Andorra og kvalifiserte seg til VM-sluttspillet tirsdag, falt fra sjette til niendeplass på Read more [...]





Wer bin ich?

Er wurde zum Chef einer wichtigen Sport-Organisation gewählt. Wer ist es? Foto: Arne Dedert In Argentinien bin ich zum Chef einer wichtigen Sport-Organisation gewählt worden. Meine Organisation wird auch die Weltregierung des Sports genannt. Bei meiner Arbeit habe ich viel mit den Olympischen Spielen zu tun. Früher habe ich selbst viel Sport gemacht: Ich war sogar mal Mannschafts-Weltmeister im Fechten. (Die Lösung: der IOC-Präsident Thomas Bach.) Read more [...]

Pope ran secret network to save dissidents, says book

While a military-backed dictatorship in Argentina was conducting a clandestine war on suspected dissidents, then Fr Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the future Pope, masterminded a secret strategy to save those being targeted, according to a new book. Titled “Bergoglio’s List: Those Saved by Pope Francis; Stories Never Told,” the book also includes the transcript of the then cardinal’s testimony during a nearly four-hour court interrogation in 2010. A panel of judges was investigating suspected Read more [...]

Сьогодні світ відзначає День програміста

Сьогодні, 13 вересня, День програміста - професійне свято програмістів, що відзначається в 256-й день року.Як відомо, число 256 (2 в ступені 8) вибрано тому, що це кількість різних значень, які можна виразити за допомогою восьмирозрядного байта. Примітно, Read more [...]

Golden Minerals Provides Business Update – PR

 Golden Minerals Company (NYSE MKT: AUMN; TSX: AUM) ("Golden Minerals" or "the Company"), a precious metals mining company with primary assets in Mexico and Argentina, reports continued progress with its work at the Velardena Operations in Durango State, Mexico. The Company previously announced it suspended operations at the Velardena mine on June 19, 2013 due to depressed silver and gold prices, and that the suspension was enacted to best conserve the asset until operating plans and metals Read more [...]