Argentina’s Rebel Peronist Mayor Massa Tops Poll Ahead of October Vote

BUENOS AIRES--Argentine mayor Sergio Massa has an almost 11 point lead over President Cristina Kirchner's list of candidates for mid-term congressional elections in October, according to a recent poll. Analysts say the elections could decide Mrs. Kirchner's political future amid rumors the two-term president wants to change the constitution to run again in 2015. Mrs. Kirchner's FPV faction of the ruling Peronist Party has a slim majority in both houses of Congress. But a revolt by Mr. Read more [...]

L’Amérique-Latine lance “la Banque du Sud” et défie le FMI

L’Amérique Latine continue à renforcer son processus d’intégration régionale tout en construisant une alternative au système économique à tendance néolibérale, en vigueur dans les pays du Nord. La banque du Sud, dont le premier Conseil des Ministres a eu lieu le 12 juin dernier à Caracas, constitue la dernière étape de cette construction. Crée en 2007 à l’initiative des défunts Hugo Chavez et Nestor Kirchner, ex présidents de la République Venezuela et de la République d’Argentine, Read more [...]

Moderate earthquake – Santiago Del Estero Prov., Argentina on July 7, 2013

– Most important Earthquake Data: Magnitude : 4.6 Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2013-07-07 11:39:09 GMT/UTC Time : 2013-07-07 14:39:09 Depth (Hypocenter)  : 111 km Depth and Magnitude updates in the list below. Share your earthquake experience (I Have Felt It) with our readers. Click on the “I Felt It” button behind the corresponding earthquake. Your earthquake experience is not only important for science, but also for people in the area as well as our global readership. Read more [...]

Moderate earthquake – Santiago Del Estero Prov., Argentina on July 7, 2013

– Most important Earthquake Data: Magnitude : 4.6 Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2013-07-07 11:39:09 GMT/UTC Time : 2013-07-07 14:39:09 Depth (Hypocenter)  : 111 km Depth and Magnitude updates in the list below. Share your earthquake experience (I Have Felt It) with our readers. Click on the “I Felt It” button behind the corresponding earthquake. Your earthquake experience is not only important for science, but also for people in the area as well as our global readership. Read more [...]

Argentina Rules to Give Welfare Money to Moms After Too Many Dads Abandon …

Argentina’s female president has issued a new law that welfare payments will be issued to mothers, instead of fathers, after so many families in the country have been abandoned by patriarchs, the Associated Press reported. "We have many complaints by women who are abandoned by their husbands, but the guys keep on collecting" payments, said President Cristina Fernandez. "So we want the mother to always get the money, except in cases where courts give legal custody to the father. This is fair." Called Read more [...]

Mercato – OL : Un retour au pays pour Lisandro ?

L’OL souhaite conserver Lisandro Lopez comme l’a dit Jean-Michel Aulas. Cependant une possibilité de retour au pays serait à considérer.   Lisandro Lopez avait été annoncé partant de l’OL mais le club souhaiterait finalement le conserver et se séparer plutôt de Bafétimbi Gomis. Cependant, Eurosport reprend une information du Progrès qui annonce que l’Argentin pourrait effectuer un retour dans son pays d’origine, dans l’un des clubs les plus prestigieux d’Argentine. Read more [...]