
阿根廷總統府周五要求國會通過一個案子,准許政府接管阿根廷唯一的新聞紙廠,聲稱政府如果獲得該廠控股,對人民有益。Papel Prensa公司是阿根廷唯一的新聞紙廠,阿根廷大報La Nacion(《民族報》)和Clarin(樂器名稱,《柔音號》)各持22.49%、37%股份,政府是少數股,現在政府要求徵用24%股份,以便增加到51.46%,有權決定供應哪幾家報紙。兩大報勤快監督阿根廷政府,當局早已不爽。由於執政黨在國會占多數,案子預料很快會過關。有人因此說,阿根廷的新聞自由正在開始結束。 Read more [...]

Annalisa Santi, la sexy studentessa che si spoglia in classe

Originaria di Roma, la 21enne Annalisa Santi cattura l’attenzione del web con video alquanto particolari. Da quattro anni in Argentina, Annalisa Santi studia giurisprudenza all’Università cattolica di Buenos Aires. La ragazza romana è diventata famosa sia in Italia che all’estero grazie al web. La popolarità della ragazza si deve molto ai video alquanto indiscreti che girano sul web, girati stesso dalla giovane donna. Il suo nome, ormai, rimbalza su tutti i Read more [...]

Спустя 25 лет в Аргентине всплыл затопленный город

Аргентина может обрести новую туристическую Мекку, пишет британская газета The Sun. Накануне специалисты объявили о возрождении затопленного курорта Эпекуэн. Ранее это место славилось лечебными водами. Гости со всего мира приезжали в городок в надежде избавиться от кожных Read more [...]


【新唐人2013年05月11日訊】法輪功上訴成功 阿根廷重審訴江案 美宗教自由報告 聚焦法輪功境遇 加國總理與眾部長 齊賀法輪大法日 大陸法輪功學員同慶“法輪大法日” 阿根廷刑事高等法院4月17號作出決定,判決阿根廷聯邦刑事法庭重審中共前總書記江澤民,和前政法委書記羅幹,對法輪功修煉者所犯下的群體滅絕罪,及反人類罪。鎮壓法輪功的元兇江澤民、羅幹,2005年在阿根廷被起訴,2009年12月,阿根廷法官奧達衛‧阿繞思‧拉馬德里( Read more [...]

ARGENTINA: Belgrano-Rafaela, via al week-end

By Fabrizio Gasco on 10 maggio 2013 Questa notte (ore 21,15 locali) si aprono i cancelli del Gigante de Alberdi di Cordoba che sarà teatro dell’unico anticipo in programma per la giornata 13 del Torneo Final in Argentina. Si affrontano due formazioni in buona salute come il Belgrano e l’Atletico Rafaela. Il Pirata punta alla qualificazione alla Copa Sudamericana, la Crema sta giocando (e vincendo alla grande) la corsa alla salvezza e, anzi, vagheggia addirittura sogni di gloria Read more [...]

40 years later, Uruguay general gets sentenced

The general's defense lawyer told The Associated Press on Thursday that he has already appealed Wednesday's verdict, saying the evidence was “invented” and calling it unacceptable that his client is being blamed for the crimes of a bygone era. “This is speculation, 40 years later,” Miguel Langon said while visiting Buenos Aires. “A criminal trial is completely different than a historical study. You have to have proof ... These kinds of generalized statements can serve for a general analysis Read more [...]

Eerie ghost town comes up for air – Philly.com

EPECUEN, Argentina - A strange ghost town that spent a quarter century under water is coming up for air again in the Argentine farmlands southwest of Buenos Aires. Epecuen was once a bustling little lakeside resort, where 1,500 people served 20,000 tourists a season. During Argentina's golden age, the same trains that carried grain to the outside world brought visitors from the capital to relax in Epecuen's saltwater baths and spas. The saltwater lake was particularly attractive because Read more [...]

Une enfance clandestine sous la dictature argentine

Dans « Enfance clandestine », le réalisateur Benjamin Avila fait le récit d’une famille d’opposants argentins contrainte de mener une double vie sous la dictature. Enfance clandestine, la double vie d’une famille d’opposants sous la dictature argentine. De 1976 à 1983, l’Argentine a connu ses années noires avec la dictature militaire dirigée par le général Jorge Rafael Videla. Cette période est peu connue en France. Pourtant, la répression qui s’est abattue sur les Read more [...]