
2012年阿根廷牛肉產量及國內消費量將分別達260萬公噸及242萬公噸,如國內消費量將比前一年增加7.5%,每人每年平均消費量約60公斤,另由於阿根廷政府對畜牧業課徵出口及成本提升,阿根廷漸失國外市場,2012年牛肉出口大幅減少至18.3萬公噸,較2011年下降26.5%,造成多間工廠倒閉及裁員,首次回到2001年之低水準。 另2012年阿根廷牛隻數量約計4990萬頭,較前年成長4.2%,並屠宰1140萬頭牛,與2011年比較成長4.6%,牛肉產量也成長4.1%,計260萬公噸,屠宰牛隻之平均重量減少1.3%,為227公斤。 Read more [...]

Sister of priest kidnapped during Argentine junta criticizes Pope Francis in court

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina -- Pope Francis was harshly criticized on Thursday in an Argentine courtroom, where a woman said he didn't help protect her brother from the country's military dictatorship. Graciela Yorio accused Jorge Mario Bergoglio of turning his back on her brother, the late Jesuit priest Orlando Virgilio Yorio, before and after he and another priest were taken by the junta's agents and tortured in 1976. Bergoglio has said he did what he could as a young Jesuit leader Read more [...]

Jesuit’s Sister Criticizes Pope Francis in Court

Pope Francis was harshly criticized on Thursday in an Argentine courtroom, where a woman said he didn't help protect her brother from the country's military dictatorship. Graciela Yorio accused Jorge Mario Bergoglio of turning his back on her brother, the late Jesuit priest Orlando Virgilio Yorio, before and after he and another priest were taken by the junta's agents and tortured in 1976. Bergoglio has said he did what he Read more [...]

Cristina Kirchner recibió hoy al arzobispo electo de Buenos Aires …

 Mario Poli y Cristina Kirchner, durante el encuentro. Foto: Presidencia de la NaciónAntes de viajar a Perú y Venezuela, la presidenta Cristina Kirchner recibió hoy al monseñor Mario Poli, el sucesor de Jorge Mario Bergoglio en el Arzobispado de Buenos Aires. Según informaron fuentes oficiales, la jefa de Estado inivtó al prelado a la Casa Rosada a raíz de que por su viaje a Perú y Venezuela no podrá asistir a la toma de posesión arzobispal en la catedral porteña. Read more [...]

Jesuit’s sister criticizes Pope Francis in court

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) - Pope Francis is being harshly criticized in an Argentine courtroom. Graciela Yorio accused Jorge Mario Bergoglio of turning his back on her brother, the late Jesuit priest Orlando Virgilio Yorio, before and after he was kidnapped by the military dictatorship in 1976. Bergoglio has said he did what he could as a young Jesuit leader to protect Yorio and other slum priests from being kidnapped by the right-wing junta. He also Read more [...]

Murray may be out of Monte Carlo but mum Judy targets glory in hostile Argentina

By Mike Dickson PUBLISHED: 22:00 GMT, 18 April 2013 | UPDATED: 23:46 GMT, 18 April 2013 While Judy Murray was doing preparation work yesterday for the ‘football-type’ atmosphere her players can expect in Argentina, her younger son was five time zones away in Monaco, getting a rude shock in his early clay court season campaign.In his first tournament on the devil dirt, Andy was beaten 6-1, 6-2 by the formidable Stanislas Wawrinka in the third round of the Monte Carlo Open, with Read more [...]

Protesta del 18A contra el Gobierno de Cristina Fernández

Miles de personas comenzaron a manifestarse en las principales ciudades argentinas para participar en una movilización bautizada como "18A", una expresión de protesta contra el Gobierno de Cristina Fernández convocada a través de las redes sociales. En la concentración más numerosa, en Buenos Aires, los manifestantes recorren las principales avenidas con banderas argentinas -algunas gigantes-, pancartas y cacerolas que baten con fuerza para protestar contra la política del Ejecutivo. "Sin Read more [...]


ITAR-TASS, 19/04 00:17 CET Президент Аргентины отправилась в Перу для участия в посвященном выборам в Венесуэле саммите Союза южноамериканских наций /См. также сообщение ПОЛИТИКА: ВЕНЕСУЭЛА-УНАСУР-МАДУРО из Каракаса в 00:35 мск/ БУЭНОС-АЙРЕС, Read more [...]