Después del descanso, Riquelme sería titular en Chaco

Juan Román Riquelme descansó el fin de semana por decisión de Carlos Bianchi, que no quiso sobrecargarlo de partidos. Pero el jueves, el 10 volvería a ser titular contra Excursionistas por la Copa Argentina. Como el fin de semana no habrá actividad en el torneo Final, el Virrey aprovechará para poner al mejor equipo de Boca en el partido que se jugará en Chaco. De esta manera, Román será uno de los principales atractivos del partido contra Excursio, que milita en la Primera C Read more [...]

ONG organiza doação de alimentos durante vigília por papa Francisco

Buenos Aires, 17 mar (EFE).- A ONG Rede Solidária pediu neste domingo aos fiéis da Argentina que doem alimentos durante a vigília noturna pelo papa Francisco, convocada para esta segunda-feira na catedral de Buenos Aires. O diretor da ONG, Juan Carr, explicou que os alimentos serão destinados aos refeitórios dos bairros mais pobres da capital argentina. "Receberemos alimentos (arroz, fubá, macarrão) amanhã às 19h (de Brasília) na catedral para o refeitório da Villa 31", escreveu Carr Read more [...]

Служба в честь избрания Папы Римского прошла в Буэнос-Айресе

Буэнос-Айрес, 18 марта. Апостольский нунций монсеньор Эмиль Пауль Тчерриг провел в воскресенье в Кафедральном соборе аргентинской столицы благодарственную службу в связи с началом понтификата Папы Римского Франциска. Как передает РИА Новости, на службе в соборе, который находится Read more [...]

Pope Francis’s critics in Argentina say document suggests he betrayed priests

Pope Francis has delivered his first Sunday prayer to a cheering, laughing crowd of about 300,000 people in St Peter's Square, amid hopes that his down-to-earth style will usher in a change in the Vatican.But while many in Rome were looking forward, accusers in his native Argentina continued to raise awkward questions about the past and reproduced a document suggesting the Jesuit may have betrayed two of his priests to the murderous military dictatorship in the 1970s.The sharply different perspectives Read more [...]

《美洲數據》阿根廷去年末季GDP按季增長1.3% 全年增長1.9%





Starting a Papacy, Amid Echoes of a ‘Dirty War’

Another clergy member offered biblical justification for the military’s death flights, according to an account by one of the pilots anguished about dumping drugged prisoners out of aircraft and into the sea. As he starts his papacy, Francis, until this month Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the archbishop of Buenos Aires, faces his own entanglement with the Dirty War, which unfolded from 1976 to 1983. As the leader of Argentina’s Jesuits for part of that time, he has repeatedly had to dispute Read more [...]

José Alfredo Martínez de Hoz, Argentine Official During Dictatorship, Dies at 87

His death was announced by the government-run news agency Télam. His son José Martínez de Hoz said Mr. Martínez de Hoz had been ill and had probably died of a heart attack. Mr. Martínez de Hoz, a former law professor, was in charge of Argentina’s economy from 1976 to 1981. Initially, he was praised by international bankers, including David Rockefeller, for his free-market policies, designed to combat Argentina’s hyperinflation, but was condemned by Argentine businessmen for the Read more [...]


〔編譯管淑平/綜合報導〕阿根廷布宜諾斯艾利斯樞機主教伯格里奧(Jorge Mario Bergoglio)當選羅馬天主教教宗後,遭阿根廷人權組織批評,曾在一九七○年代阿根廷「骯髒戰爭」(Dirty War)期間為主政的軍事獨裁政府背書。英國「每日郵報」十七日報導,有文件證明,教宗方濟當年確實出賣兩名遭軍政府綁架、虐待的耶穌會教士。耶穌會和阿根廷政府文件據報導,文件是由阿根廷知名人權運動人士維畢斯基(Horacio Read more [...]