Τι ετοιμάζει ο ΟΤΕ για το Ελλάδα – Βοσνία!

Εκτός από το Mega, το ματς της Εθνική μας στη Ζένιτσα με αντίπαλο τη Βοσνία μεταδίδει και ο ΟΤΕ. Ένα εξαιρετικά πλούσιο αθλητικό πενταήμερο με τον κρίσιμο αγώνα της Εθνικής Ελλάδας με τη Βοσνία στη Ζένιτσα και συνολικά 10 live αγώνες από Ευρώπη και Λατινική Αμερική Read more [...]

Neue Fakten zum Falklandkrieg aufgetaucht Thatcher: Wirbel um …

"Bleiben Sie ruhig", "wir können ohne einen Kampf davonkommen","Wir machen einen großen Fehler", zitiert Thatcher in ihren Notizen Tory-Abgeordnete. Kenneth Clarke, heute Kabinettminister ohne Geschäftsbereich, sagte damals: "Hoffentlich denkt niemand, wir wollten gegen die Argentinier kämpfen. Wir sollten ein paar Schiffe in die Luft jagen, aber sonst nichts." Eine weitere Meinung war: "Lasst die Argentinier die Falklandinseln mit so wenig Aufhebens wie möglich haben." Read more [...]

Letters reveal Falklands War tensions

2013-03-22 13:10 Margaret Thatcher (File, AP) Multimedia   ·   User Galleries   ·   News in Pictures Send us your pictures  Â·  Send us your stories London - Former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher faced opposition from within her own government over the Falklands War, with one MP warning her "it'll make Suez look like common sense".Newly Read more [...]

Pope calls for dialogue with Islam and greater efforts to combat poverty

Pope Francis urged the West today to intensify dialogue with Islam and appealed to the world to do more to combat poverty. The new pontiff made his appeal in an address to diplomats accredited to the Vatican, sending a message through them to the leaders of the more than 170 countries with which the Vatican has diplomatic relations. Speaking in Italian, he also made another impassioned appeal for the defence of the poor and of the environment, saying richer countries should fight what Read more [...]

In Pope Francis, other faiths see a friend

“I thank the Lord for allowing me to share this path with elder brothers,” it read. It was signed “Jorge Mario Bergoglio,” leaving off any formal title.“In the maximum leader of the Christian world,” said Guillermo Borger, the association president, “We have an ally.”The interfaith relationships built by Cardinal Bergoglio in Argentina underscore an approach to religious diversity that observers say could differ substantially from the papacy of Benedict XVI, whose tenure was marked Read more [...]

Lionel Messi: Xứng danh thủ lĩnh

Khi HLV Alejandro Sabella trao chiếc băng đội trưởng đội tuyển Argentina cho Lionel Messi, đã có không ít sự ngờ vực cho quyết định của này. Messi là một tài năng kiệt xuất hiếm có của bóng đá thế giới, đó là điều không thể phủ nhận, nhưng lại khó có thể nhận ra những tố chất của một thủ lĩnh tinh thần thực sự ở El Pulga cả trong lẫn ngoài sân cỏ. Những năm tháng chơi bóng trong màu Read more [...]

Novas restrições intensificam crise cambial na Argentina

Dólar registra volatilidade no mercado paralelo desde anúncio de medidas do governo de Cristina Kirchner As novas medidas do governo da presidente Cristina Kirchner para o setor de câmbio, que desta vez significam o aumento das taxas para os gastos com cartão de crédito no exterior e outros itens do setor de turismo, como pacotes de viagens, sacudiram o mercado cambial argentino Read more [...]

Человек с другого континента – ИТАР

Избрание первого за 1300 лет неевропейского Папы Римского вызвало бурю страстей в Латинской Америке. И не всегда это были только религиозные чувства.   В Венесуэле новоявленный преемник Уго Чавеса поспешил заявить, что папа Франциск был послан людям господом по подсказке умершего Read more [...]

Lionel Messi delighted to see enthusiastic Argentina fans

Buenos Aires: Argentine football star Lionel Messi says fans of his country's national team are more enthusiastic than ever before, snapping up all the tickets to the team's Friday match against Venezuela in the capital Buenos Aires. "I have noticed the change not just towards me, but also towards the entire Argentinean team. Today, the fans are more fired up than before, it's great. We have to all be united to attain what we want," Messi was quoted as saying Thursday by Xinhua.The capital's River Read more [...]

Αγκουέρο σε Μέσι: «Ποιος είσαι εσύ;» (video)

Μια απίστευτη ιστορία με πρωταγωνιστή τον ίδιο και τον Σέρχιο Αγκουέρο αποκάλυψε ο Λιονέλ Μέσι. Ο Αργεντινός επιθετικός της Μπαρτσελόνα μίλησε σε τηλεοπτική εκπομπή με αφορμή τον αγώνα της Αλμπισελέστε με τη Βενεζουέλα για τα προκριματικά του Μουντιάλ. Ο Μέσι γύρισε Read more [...]