Paraguai: Franco diz que não vai se ajoelhar para Cristina, Dilma e …

Em um discurso nacionalista nesta sexta-feira, o presidente do Paraguai, Federico Franco, criticou seus ex-scios no Mercosul (Argentina, Brasil e Uruguai) por no reconhecer o seu governo e assegurou que no vai implorar para voltar ao bloco. No Paraguai no nos ajoelhamos diante de ningum. No sero os petrodlares nem os bolivarianos que vo marcar as pautas nessa Repblica, disse. As informaes so do portal Infobae. O presidente fez as declaraes diante de estudantes e militares no parque nacional Cerro Read more [...]


    帶古董赴阿根廷 疑損毀遭禁錮勒索     因貪惹禍兩港女獲救返港助查     【香港商報訊】記者何家驊報道:兩名熱愛外游的本港少女,為了3萬元報酬「誤墮圈套」。上月替人攜帶「古董」到阿根廷后,被收貨的華人幫派指貨物損毀,更遭人禁錮及勒索共20萬美元(約156萬港元)。女事主透過手機以「微信」越洋向親友求救報警,兩女昨日終在本港警方「雷霆救兵」陪同下安全返港,隨即被帶返警署協助調查。警方表示,現正調查事件是否涉及犯罪集團利用社交網站,招攬青少年從事非法活動。案中一名同行男子「阿威」相信仍未返港,其女友則涉嫌處理贓物,早前被捕。          犯罪集團涉網站利誘     兩名在阿根廷被禁錮少女陳×虹(17歲)及歐×雯(18歲),屬舊同學關系。她們由警方一名女督察陪同下,昨晨11時54分乘機返抵本港機場,她倆健康良好,隨即乘坐警方的7人私家車直接前往大埔新界北警署總部協助調查。至於同案另一名被捕少女(17歲)涉嫌處理贓物,於上月22日在上水被捕,已獲准保釋候查。     新界北總區高級警司黃健華昨日表示,上月20及21日,警方分別接報指兩名本港少女在阿根廷被非法禁錮,警方派員調查后,得悉兩女在上月透過社交網站結識一名男子「阿威」(19歲),他在網上與兩女混熟后,各以3萬元報酬利誘她們「攜帶」一個古董花瓶及一幅字畫到阿根廷首都布宜諾斯艾利斯。     遭勒索156萬微信越洋求救     重賞之下必有勇夫,兩女答應后於上月6日乘飛機前往阿根廷,「阿威」亦有同行,詎料抵達阿根廷后發現花瓶損毀,當時數名操普通話華人把兩女禁錮在一個住宅單位內,并向她倆勒索每人賠償10萬美元,其間她們沒有被綑綁,可在屋內自由活動。至上月15日起,兩女透過以手機Apps「微信」向家人及朋友求救。     港警赴阿協助超級電腦建功     警方經深入調查后,馬上知會國際刑警、駐阿根廷中國領事館及當地警方,并於上月23日派出3名督察級人員前赴阿根廷展開營救,未料同日兩女突然被釋放,她們沒向歹徒付款,并被發還護照,兩人自行到領事館尋求協助,又稱沿途被人監視。當地警方接報后隨即展開調查,并在兩女報稱被禁錮的屋內檢獲一長槍一短槍及小量子彈,至於同行的「阿威」則不知所終。兩女在當地協助警方錄取口供后,至昨日由一名女督察陪同返港,另外兩名督察仍在當地跟進。     有消息稱,本港警方在事件中發揮了重要的作用,包括曾利用超級電腦透過兩女的手機訊號,迅速鎖定她們在當地所處的位置,令當地警方可立即采取行動。     兩涉案少女屬證人未被控     黃建華稱,暫時未有落案控告兩名涉案少女,她們目前仍是證人身份。現時警方將重點放於追查古董來源,至於案中的古董花瓶及字畫是否國寶級文物,由於警方人員到達當地后沒有見過有關「古董」,故未能肯定。     此外,警方目前仍未找到涉案男子,稍后將會晤其家人了解情况,但相信他仍然在阿根廷,會調查事件是否涉及犯罪集團利用社交媒體,招攬青少年從事非法勾當。     徹查主角背景冀揪出元凶     消息稱,目前案中關鍵人物「阿威」,原與父母居於上水區,早年輟學后遷出,有人一直利用社交網站「溝女」,并以重酬利誘無知少女替其帶貨到海外,相信「阿威」背后隱藏着一個規模不小的犯罪集團,故警方現正就其背景、朋友及生活圈子等各方面展開全面調查,以求揪出幕后主腦。      Read more [...]

Argentina’s About-Face on Terror

In 2007, after more than a decade of investigations, Argentine prosecutors obtained Interpol arrest warrants for six suspects and formally blamed Hezbollah for staging the attack and Iran for financing it. But bizarrely, Argentina’s president, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, abruptly switched course last month and reached an agreement with the Iranian government that would set up a “truth commission” of international legal experts to analyze evidence from the bombings. The agreement, Read more [...]

Argentinien kämpft in New York gegen „Aasgeier“

Alle News heute, 00:58 HANDELSBLATT So etwas hatten die Richter am New York Berufungsgericht wohl auch noch nicht gehört: Da steht ein Anwalt vor ihnen und sagt, egal was sie entscheiden, sein Mandant werde nicht gehorchen. Der Mandant ist die argentinische Regierung. Diese ist von zwei Hedgefonds verklagt worden, die alte Staatsschulden eintreiben wollen. Der Ausgang des Verfahrens könnte das Schicksal des ganzen Landes beeinflussen. Die beiden US-Hedgefonds NML Capital und Aurelius Capital Partners Read more [...]

Staatspleite von 2001: Argentinien kämpft in New York gegen „Aasgeier“

Handelsblog:  Homo oeconomicus - das unverstandene WesenUnd wieder brandet die Diskussion um den "homo oeconomicus" auf, bei der sich mir die Fingernägel aufrollen. Da wird ein abstraktes Konzept als anthropologisches Modell des Menschen als eines allein eigennützigen Wesens missverstanden, um... Von Frank Wiebe. Mehr… Read more [...]

Nadal & phép thử sức chịu đựng (BK Acapulco)

Rafael Nadal – Nicolas Almagro (11h VN, 2/3) Sau 7 tháng nghỉ thi đấu vì chấn thương, Nadal đã trở lại và có 3 giải đấu trong vòng 1 tháng trên mặt sân đất nện. Kết quả là khá khả quan với hai lần vào chung kết tại Vina del Mar (Chile) cùng Sao Paulo (Brazil) và có 1 danh hiệu tại xứ sở Samba. Rafa cũng không mấy khó khăn khi thi đấu ở Acapulco (Mexico) khi lần lượt đánh bại cả 3 tay vợt người Argentina để Read more [...]

Argentine president defends economic policies in speech, takes aim at …

On other topics, Fernandez defended the joint Argentine-Iranian “truth commission” that she hopes will solve Argentina’s worst terrorist attack, the bombing of a Jewish center in Buenos Aires that killed 85 people. The diplomatic effort deeply concerns Jewish leaders. “This has been a decade won by the Argentines,” she declared, providing rosy numbers on many aspects of Argentine society. “This is a decade won, not in terms of elections or party politics, but in the social recuperation, Read more [...]

Argentine President Proclaims ‘Victorious Decade’

President Cristina Fernandez opened congress Friday with a marathon, 3 1/2-hour speech describing her government's "victorious decade" in power and defending her management at a time of falling confidence in Argentina's economy. She also announced a major effort to reform Argentina's sclerotic judiciary — a plan that deeply worries her opponents. With congress firmly controlled by her party and allies, and many executive branch initiatives simply Read more [...]