Pope’s role in ‘Dirty War’ scrutinized

Buenos Aires, Argentina • Father Jorge Mario Bergoglio was 39 years old when Argentina’s military junta seized power in March 1976. The seven years that followed were a time of darkness in his country. Union leaders, students, journalists and other left-wing activists were rounded up on the mere suspicion of "subversion." Many were tortured and raped, or tossed alive from military airplanes into the mouth of the Plata River. As many as 30,000 Argentines Read more [...]

To będzie Papież rodziny

Z o. Jerzym Jackiem Twarogiem OFM, rektorem Polskiej Misji Katolickiej w Argentynie, rozmawia Piotr Falkowski Jak Ojciec zapamiętał księdza kardynała Jorge Mario Bergoglio z osobistych spotkań z nim? – Dwa razy mianował mnie rektorem polskiej misji. W 2007 r. i w ubiegłym roku. Spotykałem się z nim wielokrotnie. Nasza misja organizowała argentyńskie uroczystości związane z osobą Jana PawłaII. Najpierw w 2005 r., gdy odchodził do Domu Ojca, a potem w 2011 r. w katedrze w Read more [...]

Argentyna bliska Polsce

Z ks. Sławomirem Kondziorem, proboszczem parafii Corpus Christi w Argentynie, rozmawia Adam Białous Jak Księdza parafianie przyjęli informację o wyborze na Papieża ich rodaka? – Wszyscy bardzo się cieszyli. Przychodzili do mnie i mówili, że teraz rozumieją, jaka musiała być radość w Polsce, kiedy przed laty na Papieża wybrano Polaka, o czym im wiele razy opowiadałem. Mój kolega ksiądz opowiadał mi, że w kościele, w którym pełni posługę duszpasterską, po raz pierwszy Read more [...]

Vatican Denies Pope Francis Was Involved in Argentine Priest Kidnappings

A Vatican spokesman hit back today at accusations that newly elected Pope Francis is in any way to blame for the kidnappings of two Jesuit priests during Argentina's military dictatorship decades ago. Since his election Wednesday to become the new leader of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Francis has been hailed as a compassionate new pontiff, but the spotlight Read more [...]

San Lorenzo vestirá playera con dedicatoria al Papa

Buenos Aires.- El equipo del San Lorenzo de Almagro, duodécimo en la clasificación, confía en que la "protección" papal le permita salir victorioso del estadio Estanislao López de Santa Fe, en el partido de la sexta jornada del torneo de la Primera División que disputará a las 16.15 hora local (19.15 GMT)."Rezamos por vos, reza por nosotros", es la leyenda que tendrá la camiseta azulgrana.El equipo que dirige Juan Antonio Pizzi lucha por mantenerse Read more [...]

Papa Bergoglio: critiche online per presunte connivenze con la …

La proclamazione di Jorge Bergoglio a primo Papa latino-americano della Chiesa cattolica sta sollevato non poche critiche per i suoi presunti rapporti con la dittatura militare che ha oppresso l’Argentina tra il 1976 e il 1983, oltre al suo presunto coinvolgimento nel rapimento di due gesuiti contrari al regime.     Non si tratta di accuse nuove, ma giungono in un momento critico per la Chiesa, la cui immagine a livello globale ha subito durissimi colpi negli ultimi anni. Nel gennaio 2011 Read more [...]

Catholicism in Argentina

ARGENTINES reacted with euphoria to the news on March 13th that Jorge María Bergoglio, the archbishop of Buenos Aires, had been elected as the new pope. Hundreds of the city’s faithful gathered in its cathedral after the white smoke was released to celebrate, and local media filled their programming with elated commentary from celebrities. After Argentina tussled with the IMF, litigious creditors and the Falkland Islanders in the past month, the choice of Pope Francis was a much-needed Read more [...]

The Dirty War for Dummies

The term describes a violent, dark period in Argentina’s history, from the mid-1970s to the early 1980s, when the ruling military junta was at war with its left-wing opponents. The right-wing military had seized control in 1976 after a period of instability, and decided to purge their enemies. As Shannon O’Neil, a Latin America expert at the Council on Foreign Relations puts it, the military’s thinking was this: “We’re going to get rid of the cancer that is in our society—i.e., the left Read more [...]