Argentyńska czkawka, czy kolejne ognisko kryzysu

2012-12-07 05:12Natłok wydarzeń na głównych frontach kryzysu sprawił, że znikły z pola widzenia problemy takich regionów jak Ameryka Południowa. Nieoczekiwane obniżenie ratingu Argentyny może być pierwszym sygnałem zagrożenia.Dynamika wzrostu gospodarczego wybranych krajów Ameryki Południowej (w proc.)Fot. Materiały PrasowePodobneFT: Polska gwałtownie budzi się ze snu o “zielonej wyspie” Eksporterzy dźwigają polską gospodarkę. Szturmują rynki spoza Unii Irlandia po kryzysie Read more [...]

Showdown over media law in Argentina | World | DW.DE | 07.12.2012

The Radio Sur studio is whirling in stress. The editor is speaking simultaneously on two cell phones, the audio engineer has all ten fingers on the controls, and the presenter on the microphone is trying to concentrate for her next interview. A general strike has paralyzed Argentina on this particular day. Radio Sur listeners have been asked to call the station and express their opinions. And they are. Students, workers, housewives and many others talk about how the strike is affecting their daily Read more [...]

Showdown over media law in Argentina

The Radio Sur studio is whirling in stress. The editor is speaking simultaneously on two cell phones, the audio engineer has all ten fingers on the controls, and the presenter on the microphone is trying to concentrate for her next interview. A general strike has paralyzed Argentina on this particular day. Radio Sur listeners have been asked to call the station and express their opinions. And they are. Students, workers, housewives and many others talk about how the strike is affecting their daily Read more [...]

Buenos Aires: Jia Qinglin incontra Amado Boudou

Il 6 dicembre, ora locale, a Buenos Aires, il presidente del Comitato nazionale della CPPCC, Jia Qinglin, ha avuto un incontro con il vice presidente dell'Argentina e presidente del Senato, Amado Boudou, il primo vice presidente della Camera, Norma Abdala de Matarazzo, e i principali membri del Senato e della Camera. Per l'occasione, Jia Qinglin ha affermato che la parte cinese intende impegnarsi insieme a quella argentina per continuare ad approfondire la fiducia strategica reciproca e ampliare Read more [...]

O sadece marka yüzü değil, logosu bile var

Marka’nın değerini keşfeden dünyaca ünlü sporcular, artık sadece marka yüzü olmakla yetinmiyor. Onlar kendilerini birer marka haline getiriyor. Dünyaca ünlü basketbal oyuncusu Michael Jordan, golf oyuncusu Tiger Woods ve İngiliz futbolcu David Beckham gibi kendisini ‘markalaştırmayı’ başarmış sporcular kervanına geçen yıl katılan Barcelona’nın Arjantinli yıldızı Lionel Messi, markasının semboli olmak üzere özel olarak tasarlattığı logonun tanıtımı Read more [...]

Justiça argentina concede liminar a grupo Clarín; entenda a polêmica

Kirchner e Grupo Clarín travam disputa nas esferas judiciais sobre nova lei da mídia Às vésperas do dia 7 de dezembro, batizado de '7D', quando terminaria o prazo para que as empresas argentinas de audiovisual se adaptassem à nova lei de mídia, a Justiça do país surpreendeu e deu na noite desta quinta-feira parecer favorável ao Grupo Clarín, o maior do setor. A decisão repercutiu Read more [...]

아르헨티나 수도 매연 뒤덮혀 대피 소동

۰ ̿ȳ CNN 6(ð) ƸƼ ο뽺 ̷ ׸ ̳ʿ ۵ ſ ÿ ùε Ҿȿ ü طο ƴ϶ ߴ. (CNN ĸ)<!---->۰ ̿ȳ ο뽺 ̷ ó Ϻ ſ ܿ վ ùε鿡 ũ ִ 鵵 ݵƴ. (Ϻο뽺 ̷ 췲 ĸ) <!----> ƸƼ ſ ø ڵ Ƿ ҵ . CNN 6(ð) ܿ ſ ο뽺̷ ݵǰ ֹε Ҿȿ ü ظ ġ ƴ Ȯߴٰ ߴ. ڴ ſ ׸ ̳ 빰 鼭 ۵ ٶ Ÿ ü ٰ ߴ. ó ִ ùε ħ ſ մ ܿ ޽ ȣϱ⵵ ߴ. ƸƼ е ΰ ùε鿡 â ݰ dz ӹ ǰ ó б ȣ Ϻ ִ ǽ״ٰ ߴ. ó Ϻ ùε鿡 ũ ִ ݵƴ. ſ Read more [...]

Arrivée du plus haut conseiller politique chinois en Argentine pour …

07.12.2012 à 08h28 Le plus haut conseiller politique chinois Jia Qinglin est arrivé mercredi à Buenos Aires pour effectuer une visite officielle de bonne volonté dans ce pays d'Amérique du Sud.Dans une déclaration écrite livrée à son arrivée, M. Jia, président du Comité national de la Conférence consultative politique du peuple chinois (CCPPC), a déclaré que la Chine et l'Argentine partageaient une amitié profonde Read more [...]

Argentina e Uruguai concordam em abrir arquivos de ditaduras

Os chanceleres da Argentina, Héctor Timerman, e do Uruguai, Luis Almagro, assinaram um tratado para trocar documentos a fim de esclarecer "graves violações de direitos humanos" ocorridas durante as ditaduras nos dois países. O objetivo é levantar informações sobre vítimas uruguaias da ditadura argentina e vice-versa. Segundo a chancelaria argentina, o acordo é uma aposta no fortalecimento da relação bilateral entre as nações. Read more [...]