Following a video conference from Government House, President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner slammed the “speculative sectors” who “want to see us flying through the air”, and urged local politicians to help in the implementation of the Precios Cuidados program.
“I will not fly away because I am not a witch, nor a bird,” expressed Fernández de Kirchner, responding to “companies who tried to destabilize” the Federal Government.
The head of state singled out Domingo Cavallo (Economy Minister under presidents Carlos Menem and Fernando de la Rúa), who predicted an inflation rate of 40 percent and a black market currency of 22 pesos for 2015.
“It was a destabilization attempt,” affirmed Fernández de Kirchner.
Miguel Bein, a radical background economist, was also used as an example by Fernández Kirchner to describe the economic situation in the past week.
“There was an effort of financial destabilization,” she assured, while citing Bein’s comments for a radio interview.
“I was shocked,” concluded the President.
Economy Minister Axel Kicillof, Planning Minister Julio De Vido and the recent elected Governor of Santiago del Estero, Claudia Zamora were all present at the rally, which included the unveiling of public works in the country's interior as well as prize-giving for the Evita awards.