Anchovy and cartilaginous fish management measures defined in Argentine …

Argentine anchovy. (Photo: Stock File)

Anchovy and cartilaginous fish management measures defined in Argentine-Uruguay zone


Friday, October 24, 2014, 22:40 (GMT + 9)

The Joint Technical Commission for the Maritime Front (CTMFM) set the total allowable catch (TAC) of the Patagonian anchovy (Engraulis anchoita) in Argentina-Uruguay shared waters at 80,000 tonnes.

According to Resolution 15/14, the measure was taken to contribute to the conservation and rational exploitation of the species.

To protect juvenile specimens, a 10 per cent tolerance was set for sizes of less than 120 mm and always on the total landing per trip.

Only pelagic midwater nets or purse seiners may be used in daytime, and the night fishing of the pelagic resource has been banned with any type of gear.

In addition, the Commission requested the Anchovy Working Group to analyze the studies on the population dynamics and the evaluation of the resource abundance in the Buenos Aires sector and in the common fishing zone (CFZ), and suggest management measures for the species.

According to data provided by the Undersecretariat of Fisheries and Aquaculture of the Nation, between January and September 2014 the Argentinean fleet landed 1,807.6 tonnes of anchovy from the area, a reduction of 95.2 per cent compared to the same period last year.

Moreover, the CTMFM renewed the ban on bottom trawling for cartilaginous species (ray, Patagonian smoothhound, Brazilian flathead and sharks, among others) in the area bounded by the following geographical references:

  • To the north by latitude 36° South and its intersection with the outer limit of the Rio de la Plata;
  • To the south by the parallel 37° South;
  • To the west, by the outer limit of the Argentine territorial sea;
  • To the east by the meridian 56º00' West.

In compliance of Resolution 13/14, this measure will be in effect from 1 November, 2014 to 31 March, 2015.

Related article:

- Anchovy prospected in hake closed area

By Analia Murias


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