2013 FEI South American Jumping Championships for Young Riders and FEI … – Horse

Brazilian riders claimed all the gold medals at the FEI South American Jumping Championships for Young Riders and FEI Americas Jumping Championships for Pre-Juniors, Juniors and Children 2013 at Rosario in Argentina last weekend. And they cemented their dominance when also taking Team silver in the Children’s, Junior and Young Rider divisions along with all three Junior Individual medals.

On their home turf at Passo Fundo last year, the Brazilians also scooped all the team gold medals along with three of the four individual titles, with Chile’s Alexandre Imschenetzky the only one to break their grip when taking the Pre-Junior Individual honours. This time they proved a completely unstoppable force.

The history of these Championships is a long and significant one. For almost 40 years the region has consistently encouraged its youngest Jumping athletes through the staging of Championship-level competition, and Brazilian star Alvaro Affonso (Doda) Miranda Neto first displayed the talent that would take him right to the top when claiming Junior gold at Sao Paolo back in 1990.

Rosario, in Santa Fe, Argentina, lies 300 kms north-west of Buenos Aires, and this year’s event attracted competitors from 10 countries – Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay, USA and Venezuela.


The Brazilian rampage began when taking both gold and silver in the Children’s Team Championship.

A total of 11 teams from seven nations – Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela – lined out here, and the Brazilian A team of Paulo Miranda (Larisa HV), Siew Chiang (VL Asterix Latin), Alexia Wunderlich Ramos da Silva (Avant Guard) and Samta Barbosa Tiveron (Upsakee) claimed pole position when completing on a zero score. Chiang, da Silva and Tiveron never touched a pole, while Miranda made only a single error for the discount score in both rounds.

The Brazilian V team of Laura Ramos Rait (MD Quastor Jmen), Leonardo Parzainello Nassif (GB Rupina Jmen), Rafaela Piovesan Dall Oglio (Madame Lili) and Vittorio Burger (Cheese Z) took the silver when posting a finishing total of eight – Rait and Burger fault-free throughout the competition while Nassif collected a total of 16 faults and Oglio racked up eight in the first round but was clear second time out.

The Argentina A team clinched the bronze when pipping fourth-placed Chile A by a margin of just two faults. Bautista Tassara (LV Quick Francis), Melina Vernengo (Nera), Alex Dircie (Intentar) and Manuel Chechic (Margarita Jia) registered a team finishing score of 12 faults with pathfinder, Tassara, producing the only double-clear for the bronze-medal-winning side.

The battle for the Individual Children’s title came down to a two-way contest between Brazil’s Laura Ramos Rait and Ecuador’s Gabriela Rodriguez who shared a zero score after the first two rounds were completed on the last day. And Rodriguez produced the quickest time in the jump-off with Creamy Z but left a fence on the floor, so the clear from Rait and MD Quastor Jmen gave them the gold. Rodriguez took the silver while bronze went to Team gold medallist Siew Chiang from Brazil who completed with a single penalty-point with VL Asterix Latin.


The victorious Brazilian side in the FEI Americas Pre-Junior Championship finished with a massive 18-fault winning margin over the silver medallists from Chile, while the Argentina A team claimed bronze another seven faults adrift.

There were eight teams from five nations in contention here, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador and Venezuela, and just five horse-and-rider combinations managed to jump double-clear. Two of these – pathfinder Yasmin Almendros Marinho Santos (Piaffe de Quintin) and third-line rider Yury Guimaraes Borges (QH Clinten Toltien Z) were on the winning Brazil V side along with Gabriel Braido Locoselli (Loop du Roop) whose first-round double-error was followed by a clear second time out and Maria Victoria David Ludwig (Wellunia TH) who collected a total of 16 faults.

The gold medallists completed with just four faults on the score-board, but the silver medallists from Chile racked up a total of 22 when Benjamin Pinto (Tamanaco Gama Chhacabuco) collected five faults each time out, Rosario Vial (Gran Jefe) followed a 10-fault first effort with a single error, Laura Colombo (Encuentro Capistone) picked up eight faults in both rounds but anchor partnership Isidora Abusleme and Dinastia Valmar were foot-perfect.

Argentina A took the bronze when Santiago Brandolino (Hassan Cooper) finished with just eight faults over two rounds, Lihuel Mariano Gonzalez (LP Walace) collected a total of 12 and Josefine Rico (Entrerriano Jr) completed with a nine-fault scoreline. Pathfinder Santiago Orifici (Marjolaine) collected 20 faults. Argentina B filled fourth place despite first-round elimination for their pathfinding combination of Jeronimo Gimenez and CT Chasqui.

The Individual Pre-Junior champion came from amongst the five double-clears in the Team event. Brazil’s Joao Pedro Ayres de Albuquerque Scafuro and Little Joe had a clear victory when completing on a zero score for gold, while silver when to Uruguay’s Francisco Calvelo (Racional Jed) on a four-point tally.

It took a three-way jump-off to decide bronze however, and it was Venezuela’s Gustavo Machado and New Look du Tho who clinched it with a clear in 33.97 while Brazil’s Yury Guimaraes Borges had to settle for fourth with QH Clinten Toltien despite also going clear but crossing the line almost three seconds slower. Isidora Abusleme, star of the Chilean team silver medal side with her brilliant double-clear, had to settle for fifth place with a fence down in the jump-off.


Junior Team gold and silver further emphasised Brazilian dominance, but the scores were high in this competition with the winning side finishing on a total of 21 faults, the silver medallists racking up 24 and bronze going to Argentina’s B team who posted a total of 59 faults. Just five teams from three nations – Argentina, Brazil and Chile – lined out here, and the Chilean side did not post a finishing score.

There were two double-clear rounds, and one of these was from the anchor partnership on the gold-medal-winning Brazil A team, Giulia dal Canton Scampini riding the aptly-named HRC Keep on Fighting, whose fault-free effort was pivotal. Pathfinder Pedro Moura Carvalho (Royal Flow HV) picked up eight faults in both rounds, Rafael Rodrigues Moderno (RRM Calousco) made an excellent recovery from a first-round 10-fault result to go clear second time out while Sofia Monteiro da Silva Scheer (Levin Z Top Car) posted five in the first round and eight faults second time out. The team total of 21 faults gave Brazil A just a three-fault advantage over Brazil V in silver medal spot.

Daniela Aquino de Arruda Martins (Zarisma) made a strong start to the Brazil V challenge with just four faults in round one followed by a lovely clear. Both Bianca de Souza Rodrigues (Abernante) and Alberto Bento Sininmy (GR Armani) collected 12 faults each while Fernando Chiarotto Penteado (Arriminum TW) did a good job at recovering from a difficult first round to post just four faults at his second attempt.

And despite the withdrawal of Franco Trabucco (Ambato Neron), and a big total of 45 faults for the opening partnership of Damian Dominino and Satisfaction, Argentina B still managed to clinch the bronze when second-line rider, Amaru Buteler (Elcarco CZ) collected a relatively modest 14 over the two rounds and then Felipe Fuentes rode to the rescue with a super double-clear with Tamanaco Ares. Argentina A lined up fourth on a finishing total of 71 faults.

The Brazilians took all three medals as well as fourth place in the Junior Individual Championship. Giulia dal Canton Scampini and HRC Keep on Fighting made it double-gold when their eight-fault tally left them well clear of the rest on the final day, but, once again, it took a jump-off to decide silver and bronze.

It was an all-Brazilian battle between Bianca de Souza Rodrigues and and her Team silver-medal-winning cohort Alberto Bento Sininmu, and it was the former who came out on top with a clear against the clock in 46.43 seconds, while Sininmy was almost six seconds faster but had a fence down for the bronze. Just outside the medal positions, in fourth place, was another member of the Brazilian Team silver-medal-winning side, Daniela Aquino de Arruda Martins (Zarisma).

Young Riders

Just three teams lined out in the FEI Americas Young Riders Team Jumping Championship – two from Brazil and one from the host nation of Argentina. No double-clears were recorded, but the Brazil V team of Guilherme Dutra Foroni (Cavalo Urbano Cerana Jmen), Antonio Pedro Costa (Renomee Jmen), Victor Mariano Luminatti (Tiara WML) and Joao Pedro Lambertucci (Nutreal Take Away) posted the winning score of 13 faults. Foroni collected a total of 25, but both Costa and Luminatti picked up just four faults each over the two rounds while Lambertucci added just a single time fault to his fourt-fault first-round result to produce the final tally.

Brazil A’s Kitaro Baldaia Bemfica (Boomerang VH Kluizebos), Rodolfo Braido Locoselli (HH Corde Clasique), Luis Antonio Piva Filho (Cavalleria Toscana Zaterda) and Guilherme Saraiv de Moraes Filho (Carry 62) claimed the silver with 25 faults. Bemfica posted 17 faults in total while Locoselli posted 19, but both Luis Antonio Piva Filho and Guilherme Saraiva de Moraes Filho improved from a single mistake in the first round to go clear at their second attempt.

Bronze went to the team from Argentina which fielded only three riders. They were already trailing the opposition with 33 faults on the board after the first round, and when Matias Dominino (Calatino), Manuel Boragina Cerda (Lenoire Los Pinos) and Nicolas Franchi (CBC Chelana) added another 29 in round two they completed with 62 faults in total.

Team silver medallist Guilherme Saraiva de Moraes Filho claimed the Individual Young Rider title when registering a 6.75 point final score with Carry 62, and Uruguay was back on the podium when Marcelo Chirico and QH Baloudarc took silver on a final tally of 12. Individual Young Rider bronze went to Brazil’s Antonio Pedro Costa (Renomee Jmen) with a finishing score of 17.55, while his Team gold-medal-winning team-mate Victor Mariano Luminatti (Tiara WML) lined up just outside the medal placings in fourth.


FEI South America Team Jumping Championship for Pre-Juniors: GOLD – Brazil V, 4 faults: Piaff de Quintin (Yasmin Almendros Marinho Santos) 0/0, Loop du Roop (Gabriel Braido Locoselli) 8/0, QH Clinten Toltien (Yury Guimaraes Borges) 0/0, Wellunia TH (Maria Victoria David Ludwig) 4/12; SILVER – Chile, 22 faults: Tamanaco Gama Chacabucco (Benjamin Pinto) 5/5, Gran Jefe (Rosario Vial) 10/4, Encuentro Capistone (Laura Colombo) 8/8, Dinastia Valmar (Isidora Abusleme) 0/0 ; BRONZE – Argentina A, 29 fault: Marjolaine (Santiago Orifici0 12/8, Hassan Cooper (Santiago Brandolino) 4/4, LP Wallace (Lihuel Mariano Gonzalez) 8/4, Enterriano Jr (Josefina Rico) 5/4.

FEI South American Individual Championship for Pre-Juniors: GOLD – Little Joe (Joao Pedro Ayres de Albuquerque Scafuro) BRA; SILVER – Racional Jed (Francisco Calvelo) URU; BRONZE – New Look du Thot (Gustavo Machado) VEN.

FEI South America Team Jumping Championship for Children: GOLD – Brazil A, 0 faults: Larissa HV (Paulo Miranda) 4/4, VL Asterix Latin (Siew Chiang) 0/0, Avant Guard (Alexia Wunderlich Ramos da Silva) 0/0, Upsakee (Samanta Barbosa Tiveron) 0/0; SILVER – Brazil V, 8 faults: MD Quastor Jmen (Laura Ramos Rait) 0/0, GB Rupina Jmen (Leonardo Parzailello Nassif) 13/4, Madame Lili (Rafaela Piovesan Dall Oglio) 8/0, Cheese Z (Vittorio Burger) 0/0; BRONZE – Argentina A, 12 faults: LV Quick Francis (Bautista Tassara) 0/0, Nera (Melina Vernengo) 4/4, Intentar (Alex Dircie) 0/8, Margarita Jia (Manuel Chechic) 4/4.

FEI South America Individual Jumping Championship for Children: GOLD – MD Quastor Jmen (Laura Ramos Rait) BRA; SILVER – Creamy Z (Gabriela Rodriguez) ECU; BRONZE – VL Asterix Latin (Siew Chiang) BRA.

FEI South America Team Jumping Championship for Juniors: GOLD – Brazil A, 21 faults: Royal Flow HV (Pedro Moura Carvalho) 8/8, RRM Calousco (Rafael Rodrigues Moderno) 10/0, Levin Z Top Car (Sofia Monteiro da Silva Scheer) 5/8, HRC Keep on Fighting (Giulia Dal Canton Scampini) 0/0; SILVER – Brazil V, 24 faults: Zarisma (Daniela Aquino de Arruda Martins) 4/0, Abernante (Bianca de Souza Rodrigues) 8/4, GR Armani (Alberto Bento Sininmu) 4/8, Arriminum TW (Fernando Chiarotto Penteado) 48/4; BRONZE – Argentina B, 59 faults: Satisfaction (Damian Dominino) 28/17, Elcaro CZ (Amaru Buteler) 9/5, Ambato Neron (Franco Trabucco) 48/-, Tamanaco Area (Felipe Fuentes) 0/0.

FEI South America Individual Jumping Championship for Juniors: GOLD – HRC Keep on Fighting (Giulia Dal Canton Scampini) BRA; SILVER – Abernante (Bianca de Souza Rodrigues) BRA; BRONZE – GR Armani (Alberto Bento Sininmu) BRA.

FEI South America Team Jumping Championship for Young Riders: GOLD – Brazil V, 13 faults: Cavalo Urbno Cerana Jmen (Guilherme Dutra Foroni) 17/8, Renomee Jmen (Antonio Pedro Costa) 4/0, Tiara W ML (Victor Mariano Luminatti) 0/4, Nutreal Take Away (Joao Pedro Lambertucci) 4/1; SILVER – Brazil A, 25 faults: Boomerang VH Kluizebos (Kitaro Baldaia Bemfica) 13/4, HH Corde Classique (Rodolfo Braido Locoselli) 15/4, Cavalleria Toscana Zaterday (Luis Antonio Piva Filho) 4/0, Carry 82 (Guilherme Saraiva de Moraes Filho) 4/0; BRONZE – Argentina, 62 faults: Calatino (Matias Dominino) 16/12, Lenoire Los Pinos (Manuel Soragina Cerda) 8/12, CBC Chelana (Nicolas Franchi) 9/5.

FEI South America Individual Jumping Championship for Young Riders: GOLD – Carry 82 (Guilherme Saraiva de Moraes Filho) BRA; SILVER – QH Baloudarc (Marcelo Chirico) URU; BRONZE – Renomee Jmen (Antonio Pedro Costa) BRA.

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